Below is a list of key publications of CBCS's affiliated researchers up to 2020. All publications for all authors can be seen at UQ eSpace. They are available in an up-to-date collection at
Photo by Jaana Dielenberg
Matthew Adams, Sisson, Scott A., Helmstedt, Kate J., Baker, Christopher M., Michaela Plein, Holden, Matthew, Holloway, Jacinta, Mengersen, Kerrie L. and McDonald-Madden, Eve (2020)Informing management decisions for ecological networks, using dynamic models calibrated to noisy time-series data. Ecology Letters, 23 4: 607-619.doi:10.1111/ele.13465
Anton, Andrea, Geraldi, Nathan R., Lovelock, Catherine E., Apostolaki, Eugenia T., Bennett, Scott, Cebrian, Just, Krause-Jensen, Dorte, Marbà, Nuria, Martinetto, Paulina, Pandolfi, John M., Santana-Garcon, Julia and Duarte, Carlos M. (2020)Reply to: Indiscriminate data aggregation in ecological meta-analysis underestimates impacts of invasive species. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 4 3: 315-317.doi:10.1038/s41559-020-1118-5
Arafeh Dalmau, Nur, Schoeman, David S., Montaño-Moctezuma, Gabriela, Micheli, Fiorenza, Rogers-Bennett, Laura, Olguin-Jacobson, Carolina and Possingham, Hugh (2020)Marine heat waves threaten kelp forests. Science, 367 6478: 635-635.doi:10.1126/science.aba5244
Arias-Ortiz, Ariane, Masque, Pere, Glass, Leah, Benson, Lisa, Kennedy, Hilary, Duarte, Carlos M., Garcia-Orellana, Jordi, Benitez-Nelson, Claudia R., Humphries, Marc S., Ratefinjanahary, Ismael, Ravelonjatovo, Jaona and Lovelock, Catherine E. (2020)Losses of soil organic carbon with deforestation in mangroves of Madagascar. Ecosystems, . doi:10.1007/s10021-020-00500-z
Baker, Andrew G., Catterall, Claudia, Benkendorff, Kirsten and Fensham, Rod (2020)Rainforest expansion reduces understorey plant diversity and density in open forest of eastern Australia. Austral Ecology, .doi:10.1111/aec.12871
Justine Bell-James and Briana Collins (2020)"If we don't mine coal, someone else will": debunking the "Market Substitution Assumption" in Queensland Climate Change Litigation. Environmental and Planning Law Journal, 37 167-185.
Justine Bell and Collins, Briana (2020)Queensland's Human Rights Act: a new frontier for Australian climate change litigation?. University of New South Wales Law Journal, 43 1: 3-38.
Blanckaert, Alice, Reef, Ruth, Pandolfi, John M. and Lovelock, Catherine E. (2020)Variation in the elemental stoichiometry of the coral–zooxanthellae symbiosis. Coral Reefs, .doi:10.1007/s00338-020-01932-8
Brito-Morales, Isaac, Schoeman, David S., Molinos, Jorge García, Burrows, Michael T., Klein, Carissa J., Arafeh-Dalmau, Nur, Kaschner, Kristin, Garilao, Cristina, Kesner-Reyes, Kathleen and Richardson, Anthony J. (2020)Climate velocity reveals increasing exposure of deep-ocean biodiversity to future warming. Nature Climate Change, .doi:10.1038/s41558-020-0773-5
Burstal, Josephine, Clulow, Simon, Colyvas, Kim, Kark, Salit and Griffin, Andrea S. (2020)Radiotracking invasive spread: Are common mynas more active and exploratory on the invasion front?. Biological Invasions, .doi:10.1007/s10530-020-02269-7
Callen, Alex, Hayward, Matt W., Klop-Toker, Kaya, Allen, Benjamin L., Ballard, Guy, Broekhuis, Femke, Clarke, Rohan H., Clulow, John, Clulow, Simon, Daltry, Jennifer C., Davies-Mostert, Harriet T., Di Blanco, Yamil E., Dixon, Victoria, Fleming, Peter J.S., Howell, Lachlan G., Kerley, Graham I.H., Sarah Legge, Lenga, Dean J., Major, Tom, Montgomery, Robert A., Moseby, Katherine, Meyer, Ninon, Parker, Dan M., Périquet, Stéphanie, Read, John, Scanlon, Robert J., Shuttleworth, Craig, Tamessar, Cottrell T., Taylor, William Andrew, Tuft, Katherine, Upton, Rose M.O., Valenzuela, Marcia, Witt, Ryan R. and Wüster, Wolfgang (2020)Envisioning the future with ‘compassionate conservation’: An ominous projection for native wildlife and biodiversity. Biological Conservation, 241 108365.doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2019.108365
Callen, Alex, Hayward, Matt W., Klop-Toker, Kaya, Allen, Benjamin L., Ballard, Guy, Beranek, Chad T., Broekhuis, Femke, Bugir, Cassandra K., Clarke, Rohan H., Clulow, John, Clulow, Simon, Daltry, Jennifer C., Davies-Mostert, Harriet T., Di Blanco, Yamil E., Dixon, Victoria, Fleming, Peter J.S., Howell, Lachlan G., Kerley, Graham I.H., Sarah Legge, Lenga, Dean J., Majorq, Tom, Montgomery, Robert A., Moseby, Katherine, Meyer, Ninon, Parker, Dan M., Périquet, Stéphanie, Read, John, Scanlon, Robert J., Shuttleworth, Craig, Tamessar, Cottrell T., Taylor, William Andrew, Tuft, Katherine, Upton, Rose M.O., Valenzuela, Marcia, Witt, Ryan R. and Wüster, Wolfgang (2020)Response to comments on “Compassionate Conservation deserves a morally serious rather than dismissive response - reply to Callen et al., 2020”. Biological Conservation, 244 .doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108517
Catford, Jane A., Dwyer, John M., Palma, Estibaliz, Cowles, Jane M. and Tilman, David (2020)Community diversity outweighs effect of warming on plant colonization. Global Change Biology, 26 5: 3079-3090.doi:10.1111/gcb.15017
Chamberlain, Debbie, Phinn, Stuart and Possingham, Hugh (2020)Remote sensing of mangroves and estuarine communities in Central Queensland, Australia. Remote Sensing, 12 1: 197. doi:10.3390/rs12010197
Chapman, Sarah, Syktus, Jozef I, Trancoso, Ralph, Salazar, Alvaro, Thatcher, Marcus J., Watson, James E. M., Meijaard, Erik, Sheil, Douglas, Dargusch, Paul and McAlpine, Clive Alexander (2020)Compounding impact of deforestation on Borneo’s climate during El Niño events. Environmental Research Letters, . doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ab86f5
Cheung, Hubert, Possingham, Hugh, Mazerolle, Lorraine and Duan Biggs(2020):Connectedness to nature scale - Interviews with TCM practitioners in Guangdong province, China (2018).The University of Queensland.Dataset.doi:10.14264/uql.2020.391
Marie Dade, Mitchell, Matthew G.E., Brown, Greg and Rhodes, Jonathan R. (2020)The effects of urban greenspace characteristics and socio-demographics vary among cultural ecosystem services. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 49 126641.doi:10.1016/j.ufug.2020.126641
Daigle, Rémi M., Metaxas, Anna, Balbar, Arieanna C., McGowan, Jennifer, Treml, Eric A., Kuempel, Caitlin D., Possingham, Hugh and Maria Beger (2020)Operationalizing ecological connectivity in spatial conservation planning with Marxan connect. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 11 4: 570-579.doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13349
Danovaro, Roberto, Fanelli, Emanuela, Aguzzi, Jacopo, Billett, David, Carugati, Laura, Corinaldesi, Cinzia, Dell’Anno, Antonio, Gjerde, Kristina, Jamieson, Alan J., Kark, Salit, McClain, Craig, Levin, Lisa, Levin, Noam, Ramirez-Llodra, Eva, Ruhl, Henry, Smith, Craig R., Snelgrove, Paul V. R., Thomsen, Laurenz, Van Dover, Cindy L. and Yasuhara, Moriaki (2020)Ecological variables for developing a global deep-ocean monitoring and conservation strategy. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 4 2: 181-192. doi:10.1038/s41559-019-1091-z
de Andrade Junior, Milton A. U., Maxwell, Sean L. and Watson, James E. M. (2020)Renewed threats to Brazilian biodiversity from sugarcane. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 18 4: 178-179.doi:10.1002/fee.2196
Duarte, Carlos M., Agusti, Susana, Barbier, Edward, Britten, Gregory L., Castilla, Juan Carlos, Gattuso, Jean-Pierre, Fulweiler, Robinson W., Hughes, Terry P., Knowlton, Nancy, Lovelock, Catherine E., Lotze, Heike K., Predragovic, Milica, Poloczanska, Elvira, Roberts, Callum and Worm, Boris (2020)Rebuilding marine life. Nature, 580 7801: 39-51. doi:10.1038/s41586-020-2146-7
Fa, John E., Watson, James E. M., Leiper, Ian, Potapov, Peter, Evans, Tom D., Burgess, Neil D., Molnar, Zsolt, Fernandez-Llamazares, Alvaro, Duncan, Tom, Wang, Stephanie, Austin, Beau J., Jonas, Harry, Robinson, Cathy J., Malmer, Pernilla, Zander, Kerstin K., Jackson, Micha, Ellis, Erle, Brondizio, Eduardo S. and Garnett, Stephen T. (2020)Importance of Indigenous peoples' lands for the conservation of intact forest landscapes. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 18 3: 135-140. doi:10.1002/fee.2148
Fensham, Rod, Carnegie, Angus J., Laffineur, Boris, Makinson, Robert O., Pegg, Geoff S. and Wills, Jarrah (2020)Imminent Extinction of Australian Myrtaceae by Fungal Disease. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, .doi:10.1016/j.tree.2020.03.012
Fensham, Rod, Boris Laffineur, Teghan Collingwood, Beech, E., Bell, S., Hopper, S. D., Phillips, G., Rivers, M. C., Walsh, N. and White, M. (2020)Rarity or decline: key concepts for the Red List of Australian eucalypts. Biological Conservation, 243 1-15.doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108455
Fensham, R. J., Laffineur, B. and McVeigh, M. (2020)Assessing the conservation status of tree species declining in productive landscapes: the case of Eucalyptus argophloia. Australian Journal of Botany, . doi:10.1071/bt20016
Filer, Alannah, Beyer, Hawthorne L., Meyer, Ed and Van Rensburg, Berndt J. (2020)Distribution mapping of specialized amphibian species in rare, ephemeral habitats: implications for the conservation of threatened “acid” frogs in south‐east Queensland. Conservation Science and Practice, 2 1: . doi:10.1111/csp2.143
Friedman, Rachel S., Guerrero, Angela M., McAllister, Ryan R.J., Rhodes, Jonathan R., Santika, Truly, Budiharta, Sugeng, Indrawan, Tito, Hutabarat, Joseph A., Kusworo, Ahmad, Yogaswara, Herry, Meijaard, Erik, St. John, Freya A.V., Struebig, Matthew J. and Wilson, Kerrie A. (2020)Beyond the community in participatory forest management: a governance network perspective. Land Use Policy, 97 . doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.104738
Friedman, Whitney R., Halpern, Benjamin S., McLeod, Elizabeth, Beck, Michael W., Duarte, Carlos M., Kappel, Carrie, Levine, Arielle, Sluka, Robert D., Adler, Steven, O'Hara, Casey C., Sterling, Eleanor J., Tapia-Lewin, Sebastian, Losada, Inigo J., McClanahan, Tim R., Pendleton, Linwood, Spring, Margaret, Toomey, James P., Weiss, Kenneth R., Possingham, Hugh P. and Montambault, Jensen R. (2020)Research priorities for achieving healthy marine ecosystems and human communities in a changing climate. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7 . doi:10.3389/fmars.2020.00005
Gallo-Cajiao, Eduardo, Morrison, Tiffany H., Woodworth, Bradley K., Lees, Alexander C., Naves, Liliana C., Yong, Ding Li, Choi, Chi-Yeung, Mundkur, Taej, Bird, Jeremy, Jain, Anuj, Klokov, Konstantin, Syroechkovskiy, Evgeny, Chowdhury, Sayam U., Fu, Vivian Wing Kan, Watson, James E.M. and Fuller, Richard A. (2020)Extent and potential impact of hunting on migratory shorebirds in the Asia-Pacific. Biological Conservation, 246 108582.doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108582
Geldmann, Jonas, Alves-Pinto, Helena, Amano, Tatsuya, Bartlett, Harriet, Christie, Alec P., Collas, Lydia, Cooke, Sophia C., Correa, Roberto, Cripps, Imogen, Doherty, Anya, Finch, Tom, Garnett, Emma E., Hua, Fangyuan, Jones, Julia Patricia Gordon, Kasoar, Tim, MacFarlane, Douglas, Martin, Philip A., Mukherjee, Nibedita, Mumby, Hannah S., Payne, Charlotte, Petrovan, Silviu O., Rocha, Ricardo, Russell, Kirsten, Simmons, Benno I., Wauchope, Hannah S., Worthington, Thomas A., Trevelyan, Rosie, Green, Rhys and Balmford, Andrew (2020)Insights from two decades of the Student Conference on Conservation Science. Biological Conservation, 243 . doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108478
Gupta, Garima, Dunn, Jonathon, Sanderson, Roy, Fuller, Richard and McGowan, P. J.K. (2020)A simple method for assessing the completeness of a geographic range size estimate. Global Ecology and Conservation, 21 e00788.doi:10.1016/j.gecco.2019.e00788
Han, Yi, Kristensen, Nadiah P., Buckley, Yvonne M., Maple, Dion J., West, Judith and McDonald-Madden, Eve (2020)Predicting the ecosystem-wide impacts of eradication with limited information using a qualitative modelling approach. Ecological Modelling, 430 . doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2020.109122
Hanson, Jeffrey O., Rhodes, Jonathan R., Butchart, Stuart H. M., Buchanan, Graeme M., Rondinini, Carlo, Ficetola, Gentile F. and Fuller, Richard A. (2020)Global conservation of species’ niches. Nature, 580 7802: 232-234. doi:10.1038/s41586-020-2138-7
Healy, Allison James, Tulloch, Ayesha and Fensham, Rod (2020)Dryland communities find little refuge from grazing due to long-term changes in water availability. Journal of Arid Environments, 176 104098.doi:10.1016/j.jaridenv.2019.104098
Hockings, Marc, Lilley, Ian, Matar, Diane A., Dudley, Nigel and Markham, Robert (2020).Integrating science and local knowledge to strengthen biosphere reserve management. In Maureen G. Reed and Martin F. Price (Ed.), UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: supporting biocultural diversity, sustainability and society (pp. 241-253) Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780429428746-19
Jones, Kendall R., Klein, Carissa J., Grantham, Hedley S., Possingham, Hugh P., Halpern, Benjamin S., Burgess, Neil D., Butchart, Stuart H.M., Robinson, John G., Kingston, Naomi, Bhola, Nina and Watson, James E.M. (2020)Area requirements to safeguard earth's marine species. One Earth, 2 2: 188-196. doi:10.1016/j.oneear.2020.01.010
Katayama, Naoki, Odaya, Yoshiya, Amano, Tatsuya and Yoshida, Hoshiko (2020)Spatial and temporal associations between fallow fields and Greater Painted Snipe density in Japanese rice paddy landscapes. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 295 106892. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2020.106892
Kelleway, Jeffrey J., Serrano, Oscar, Baldock, Jeffrey A., Burgess, Rachel, Cannard, Toni, Lavery, Paul S., Lovelock, Catherine E., Macreadie, Peter I., Masqué, Pere, Newnham, Mark, Saintilan, Neil and Steven, Andrew D.L. (2020)A national approach to greenhouse gas abatement through blue carbon management. Global Environmental Change, 63 102083.doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2020.102083
Kooyman, Robert M., Watson, James and Wilf, Peter (2020)Protect Australia's Gondwana rainforests. Science, 367 6482: 1083-1085. doi:10.1126/science.abb2748
Lavery, Tyrone H., Posala, Corzzierrah K., Tasker, Elizabeth M. and Fisher, Diana O. (2020)Ecological generalism and resilience of tropical island mammals to logging: a 23 year test. Global Change Biology, 26 6: 3285-3293.doi:10.1111/gcb.15038
Lawler, Joshua J., Rinnan, D. Scott, Michalak, Julia L., Withey, John C., Randels, Christopher R. and Possingham, Hugh (2020)Planning for climate change through additions to a national protected area network: implications for cost and configuration. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 375 1794: 20190117.doi:10.1098/rstb.2019.0117
Leitner, Monica, Davies, Andrew B., Robertson, Mark P., Parr, Catherine L. and Berndt Janse Van Rensburg (2020)Termite mounds create heterogeneity in invertebrate communities across a savanna rainfall gradient. Biodiversity and Conservation, 29 4: 1427-1441.doi:10.1007/s10531-020-01943-5
Lindenmayer, David B., Kooyman, Robert M., Taylor, Chris, Ward, Michelle and Watson, James E. M. (2020)Recent Australian wildfires made worse by logging and associated forest management. Nature Ecology and Evolution, . doi:10.1038/s41559-020-1195-5
Lindenmayer, David, Woinarski, John, Sarah Legge, Southwell, Darren, Lavery, Tyrone, Robinson, Natasha, Scheele, Ben and Wintle, Brendan (2020)A checklist of attributes for effective monitoring of threatened species and threatened ecosystems. Journal of Environmental Management, 262 110312.doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.110312
Lloyd, Thomas J., Fuller, Richard A., Oliver, Jessica L., Tulloch, Ayesha I., Barnes, Megan and Steven, Rochelle (2020)Estimating the spatial coverage of citizen science for monitoring threatened species. Global Ecology and Conservation, 23 e01048. doi:10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e01048
Lovelock, Catherine E., Reef, Ruth, Raven, John A. and Pandolfi, John M. (2020)Regional variation in δ13 C of coral reef macroalgae. Limnology and Oceanography, . doi:10.1002/lno.11453
Maseyk, Fleur J. F., Maron, Martine , Gordon, Ascelin, Bull, Joseph W. and Megan Evans (2020)Improving averted loss estimates for better biodiversity outcomes from offset exchanges. Oryx, 1-11.doi:10.1017/S0030605319000528
Natalie Mason, Ward, Michelle, Watson, James Edward, Venter, Oscar and Runting, Rebecca K. (2020)Global opportunities and challenges for transboundary conservation. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 4 5: 694-701.doi:10.1038/s41559-020-1160-3
Mayfield, Helen J. , Smith, Carl , Gallagher, Marcus and Hockings, Marc (2020)Considerations for selecting a machine learning technique for predicting deforestation. Environmental Modelling and Software, 131 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2020.104741
McCarthy, James Kane, Dwyer, John and Mokany, Karel (2020)Direct climate effects are more influential than functional composition in determining future gross primary productivity. Landscape Ecology, 35 4: 969-984.doi:10.1007/s10980-020-00994-x
McGowan, Jennifer, Beaumont, Linda J., Smith, Robert J., Alienor Chauvenet, Harcourt, Robert, Atkinson, Scott C., Mittermeier, John C., Esperon-Rodriguez, Manuel, Baumgartner, John B., Beattie, Andrew, Dudaniec, Rachael Y., Grenyer, Richard, Nipperess, David A., Stow, Adam and Possingham, Hugh (2020)Conservation prioritization can resolve the flagship species conundrum. Nature Communications, 11 1: 994.doi:10.1038/s41467-020-14554-z
McGregor, Hugh, Moseby, Katherine, Johnson, Christopher N. and Legge, Sarah (2020)The short-term response of feral cats to rabbit population decline: Are alternative native prey more at risk?. Biological Invasions, 22 2: 799-811. doi:10.1007/s10530-019-02131-5
Mokany, Karel, Ferrier, Simon, Harwood, Thomas D., Ware, Chris, Di Marco, Moreno, Grantham, Hedley S., Venter, Oscar, Hoskins, Andrew J. and Watson, James E. M. (2020)Reconciling global priorities for conserving biodiversity habitat. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117 18: 201918373-9911.doi:10.1073/pnas.1918373117
Narain, Divya, Maron, Martine, Teo, Hoong Chen, Hussey, Karen and Lechner, Alex Mark (2020)Best-practice biodiversity safeguards for Belt and Road Initiative’s financiers. Nature Sustainability, .doi:10.1038/s41893-020-0528-3
Needham, Tersia, Engels, Retha A., Bureš, Daniel, Kotrba, Radim, van Rensburg, Berndt J. and Hoffman, Louwrens C. (2020)Carcass yields and physiochemical meat quality of semi-extensive and intensively farmed impala (Aepyceros melampus). Foods, 9 4: 418.doi:10.3390/foods9040418
Negret Torres, Pablo Jose, Di‐Marco, Moreno, Laura Sonter, Rhodes, Jonathan R., Possingham, Hugh and Maron, Martine (2020)Effects of spatial autocorrelation and sampling design on estimates of protected area effectiveness. Conservation Biology, .doi:10.1111/cobi.13522
Christopher O'Bryan, James Allan, Holden, Matthew, Christopher Sanderson, Venter, Oscar, Di Marco, Moreno, McDonald-Madden, Eve and Watson, James Edward (2020)Intense human pressure is widespread across terrestrial vertebrate ranges. Global Ecology and Conservation, 21 e00882.doi:10.1016/j.gecco.2019.e00882
Ola, Anne, Staples, Timothy L., Robinson, Nicole and Lovelock, Catherine E. (2020)Plasticity in the above- and below-ground development of mangrove Ssedlings in response to variation in soil bulk density. Estuaries and Coasts, 43 1: 111-119. doi:10.1007/s12237-019-00660-9
Ordóñez, Camilo, Threlfall, Caragh G., Livesley, Stephen J., Kendal, Dave, Fuller, Richard A., Davern, Melanie, van der Ree, Rodney and Hochuli, Dieter F. (2020)Decision-making of municipal urban forest managers through the lens of governance. Environmental Science and Policy, 104 136-147. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2019.11.008
Puk, Laura, Marshell, Alyssa, Dwyer, John , Nicolas Evensen and Mumby, Peter (2020)Refuge-dependent herbivory controls a key macroalga on coral reefs. Coral Reefs, .doi:10.1007/s00338-020-01915-9
Jose Rehbein, Watson, James Edward, Joe Lane, Laura Sonter, Venter, Oscar, Atkinson, Scott C. and James Allan (2020)Renewable energy development threatens many globally important biodiversity areas. Global Change Biology, 26 5: 3040-3051.doi:10.1111/gcb.15067
Rickards, Lauren and Watson, James Edward (2020)Research is not immune to climate change. Nature Climate Change, 10 3: 180-183.doi:10.1038/s41558-020-0715-2
Roshier, David A., Hotellier, Felicity L, Carter, Andrew, Kemp, Leah, Potts, Joanne, Hayward, Matt W. and Legge, Sarah M. (2020)Long-term benefits and short-term costs: small vertebrate responses to predator exclusion and native mammal reintroductions in south-western New South Wales, Australia. Wildlife Research, . doi:10.1071/wr19153
Runting, Rebecca K., Phinn, Stuart, Xie, Zunyi, Venter, Oscar and Watson, James E. M. (2020)Opportunities for big data in conservation and sustainability. Nature Communications, 11 1: 2003. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-15870-0
Sasmito, Sigit D., Sillanpää, Mériadec, Hayes, Matthew A., Bachri, Samsul, Saragi-Sasmito, Meli F., Sidik, Frida, Hanggara, Bayu B., Mofu, Wolfram Y., Rumbiak, Victor I., Hendri,, Taberima, Sartji, Suhaemi,, Nugroho, Julius D., Pattiasina, Thomas F., Widagti, Nuryani, Barakalla,, Rahajoe, Joeni S., Hartantri, Heru, Nikijuluw, Victor, Jowey, Rina N., Heatubun, Charlie D., zu Ermgassen, Philine, Worthington, Thomas A., Howard, Jennifer, Lovelock, Catherine E., Friess, Daniel A., Hutley, Lindsay B. and Murdiyarso, Daniel (2020)Mangrove blue carbon stocks and dynamics are controlled by hydrogeomorphic settings and land-use change. Global Change Biology, 26 5: 3028-3039.doi:10.1111/gcb.15056
Sayre, Roger, Karagulle, Deniz, Frye, Charlie, Boucher, Timothy, Wolff, Nicholas H., Breyer, Sean, Wright, Dawn, Martin, Madeline, Butler, Kevin, Van Graafeiland, Keith, Touval, Jerry, Sotomayor, Leonardo, McGowan, Jennifer, Game, Edward T. and Possingham, Hugh (2020)An assessment of the representation of ecosystems in global protected areas using new maps of World Climate Regions and World Ecosystems. Global Ecology and Conservation, 21 e00860. doi:10.1016/j.gecco.2019.e00860
Simpson, L. T., Lovelock, Catherine E., Cherry, J. A. and Feller, I. C. (2020)Short-lived effects of nutrient enrichment on Avicennia germinans decomposition in a saltmarsh-mangrove ecotone. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 235 106598.doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2020.106598
Siqueira-Gay, Juliana, Laura Sonter and Sánchez, Luis E. (2020)Exploring potential impacts of mining on forest loss and fragmentation within a biodiverse region of Brazil's northeastern Amazon. Resources Policy, 67 101662.doi:10.1016/j.resourpol.2020.101662
Annabel Smith, Hodkinson, Trevor R., Villellas, Jesus, Catford, Jane A., Csergő, Anna Mária, Blomberg, Simone, Crone, Elizabeth E., Ehrlén, Johan, Garcia, Maria B., Laine, Anna-Liisa, Roach, Deborah A., Roberto Salguero-Gomez, Wardle, Glenda M., Childs, Dylan Z., Elderd, Bret D., Finn, Alain, Munné-Bosch, Sergi, Baudraz, Maude E. A., Bódis, Judit, Brearley, Francis Q., Bucharova, Anna, Caruso, Christina M., Duncan, Richard P., Dwyer, John , Gooden, Ben, Groenteman, Ronny, Hamre, Liv Norunn, Helm, Aveliina, Kelly, Ruth, Laanisto, Lauri, Lonati, Michele, Moore, Joslin L., Morales, Melanie, Olsen, Siri Lie, Pärtel, Meelis, Petry, William K., Ramula, Satu, Rasmussen, Pil U., Ravetto Enri, Simone, Roeder, Anna, Roscher, Christiane, Saastamoinen, Marjo, Tack, Ayco J. M., Töpper, Joachim Paul, Vose, Gregory E., Wandrag, Elizabeth M., Wingler, Astrid and Buckley, Yvonne M. (2020)Global gene flow releases invasive plants from environmental constraints on genetic diversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117 8: 201915848-4227.doi:10.1073/pnas.1915848117
Sonter, Laura J., Simmonds, Jeremy S., Watson, James E. M., Jones, Julia P. G., Kiesecker, Joseph M., Costa, Hugo M., Bennun, Leon, Edwards, Stephen, Grantham, Hedley S., Griffiths, Victoria F., Jones, Kendall, Sochi, Kei, Puydarrieux, Philippe, Quétier, Fabien, Rainer, Helga, Rainey, Hugo, Roe, Dilys, Satar, Musnanda, Soares-Filho, Britaldo S., Starkey, Malcolm, ten Kate, Kerry, Victurine, Ray, von Hase, Amrei, Wells, Jessie A. and Maron, Martine (2020)Local conditions and policy design determine whether ecological compensation can achieve no net loss goals. Nature Communications, 11 1: 2072. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-15861-1
Swales, Andrew and Lovelock, Catherine E. (2020)Comparison of sediment-plate methods to measure accretion rates in an estuarine mangrove forest (New Zealand). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 236 106642.doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2020.106642
Teshera-Levye, Jennifer, Miles, Brianna, Terwilliger, Valery, Lovelock, Catherine E. and Cavender-Bares, Jeannine (2020)Drivers of habitat partitioning among three Quercus species along a hydrologic gradient. Tree Physiology, 40 2: 142-157.doi:10.1093/treephys/tpz112
Verma, Megha, Symes, William S., Watson, James E. M., Jones, Kendall R., Allan, James R., Venter, Oscar, Rheindt, Frank E., Edwards, David P. and Carrasco, Luis R. (2020)Severe human pressures in the Sundaland biodiversity hotspot. Conservation Science and Practice, . doi:10.1111/csp2.169
Waltham, Nathan J., Elliott, Michael, Lee, Shing Yip, Lovelock, Catherine, Duarte, Carlos M., Buelow, Christina, Simenstad, Charles, Nagelkerken, Ivan, Claassens, Louw, Wen, Colin K-C, Barletta, Mario, Connolly, Rod M., Gillies, Chris, Mitsch, William J., Ogburn, Matthew B., Purandare, Jemma, Possingham, Hugh and Sheaves, Marcus (2020)UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030-what chance for success in restoring coastal ecosystems?. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7 . doi:10.3389/fmars.2020.00071
Watling, James I., Arroyo-Rodríguez, Victor, Pfeifer, Marion, Baeten, Lander, Banks-Leite, Cristina, Cisneros, Laura M., Fang, Rebecca, Hamel-Leigue, A. Caroli, Lachat, Thibault, Leal, Inara R., Lens, Luc, Possingham, Hugh, Raheem, Dinarzarde C., Ribeiro, Danilo B., Slade, Eleanor M., Urbina-Cardona, J. Nicolas, Wood, Eric M. and Fahrig, Lenore (2020)Support for the habitat amount hypothesis from a global synthesis of species density studies. Ecology Letters, 23 4: 674-681.doi:10.1111/ele.13471
Watson, Keri B., Galford, Gillian L., Laura Sonter and Ricketts, Taylor H. (2020)Conserving ecosystem services and biodiversity: measuring the tradeoffs involved in splitting conservation budgets. Ecosystem Services, 42 101063.doi:10.1016/j.ecoser.2020.101063
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