Researcher biography

Salit is a Professor and ARC Future Fellow at The University of Queensland. She is the Head of the Biodiversity Research Group, Deputy Director of CBCS, a Chief Investigator and Theme Leader of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions (CEED), and leader of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub's island project. Associate Professor Kark is a conservation scientist and ecologist working on global- to local-scale issues. She is an international leader in the study of invasion biology and her work focuses on: biotic invasions; urban ecology; conservation prioritisation in terrestrial, freshwater and marine systems; the role of collaboration in conservation, biodiversity, and spatial patterns and processes in a changing world; ecological gradients (ecotones); and enhancing the links between science, practice and policy. She has established international working groups linking these actors across continents and leads multi-partner large-scale projects in Europe, the Mediterranean, and Australia. Salit is also Director of the KarkGroup.

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