Level 5, Goddard Building (#8)
The University of Queensland
St Lucia QLD 4072, Australia
General enquiries
Phone: Kate Donnelly +61 7 334 60879
International student enquiries
Phone (freecall from within Australia): 1800 671 980
Phone (from outside Australia): +61 3 8676 7004
UQ International, Level 2, JD Story building
St Lucia campus, The University of Queensland
Brisbane, Queensland 4072 Australia
Shamia Farhana Shoma PhD student
School of the Environment Fisher Lab |
Nisansala Abeysinghe PhD student
School of the Environment McMad Lab and Rhodes Lab |
Dr Matthew Adams Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences School of Biological Sciences School of Chemical Engineering |
Amina Akbar Honours student, Bachelor of Environmental Management
School of the Environment |
Hannah Allan PhD student
School of the Environment Marine Spatial Ecology Lab |
Dr James Allan Postdoctoral Research Fellow
University of Amsterdam Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics |
Brooke Allison Master of Conservation Science
School of the Environment |
Laura Alvis Sanchez Master of Environmental Management student
School of the Environment |
Associate Professor Tatsuya Amano UQ Amplify Associate Professor
School of the Environment Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science |
+61 7 336 56907 |
Dr Zachary Amir Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of the Environment Principal Data Scientist
Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) Ecological Cascades Lab |
Skye Anderson PhD student
School of the Environment Ecological Cascades Lab |
Dr Anna Renwick Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Biological Sciences Possingham Lab |
Nur Arafeh-Dalmau PhD Student
School of Biological Sciences Klein Group |
Cassandra Arkinstall PhD student
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability Save the Bilby Fund and Arid Recovery |
Emma Arnett Masters of Environmental Management student Klein-Biggs-Possingham Lab
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Cherish Arrowsmith Bachelor of Science student
School of the Environment |
Scott Atkinson Research Assistant
School of the Environment Green Fire Science |
Stephanie Avery-Gomm PhD Student
School of the Environment Possingham Lab Group Fuller Lab Group |
Dr Kevin Bairos-Novak Postdoctoral Research Fellow: Quantitative Evolutionary Ecology
School of the Environment Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program
Riginos Lab |
Dr Christopher Baker Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Biological Sciences Possingham Lab |
Dr Ingrid Baker PhD student
School of Earth and Environmental Science |
Tallis Baker Honours student School of Biological Sciences
Mangrove and Blue Carbon Lab |
Liz Barber PhD Student
School of the Environment Fuller Lab Group |
Dr Peter Baxter Senior Research Fellow
School of the Environment Kark Biodiversity Group |
Dr Elisa Bayraktarov Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Biological Sciences Possingham Lab |
Sharad Bayyana PhD student
School of the Environment Marine PalaeoEcology laboratory Richardson Mathematical Marine Ecology Lab |
Kate Becker Research Assistant
School of the Environment Ocean Conservation Team |
Professor Justine Bell-James Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science Professor & Director of HDR of T.C. Beirne School of Law
TC Beirne School of Law Affiliate of Centre for Marine Science
Centre for Marine Science Affiliate of Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law & Affiliate of Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law
Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law |
+61 7 336 56588 |
Dr Claudia Benham ARC DECRA Senior Research Fellow
School of the Environment Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science Affiliate of Centre for Marine Science
Centre for Marine Science |
+61 7 334 61647 |
Vicki Bennion PhD student
School of the Environment Mangrove and Blue Carbon Lab |
Dr Lily Bentley Postdoctoral Research Fellow & Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science & ECR Representative - Community and Advancement
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science Casual Academic (General)
School of the Environment Applied Marine Biogeography Lab |
Miss Violeta Berdejo Espinola Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Multilingual Evidence Synthesis
School of the Environment |
Dr Violeta Berdejo-Espinola Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of the Environment Amano Lab Group |
Monique Bertin Masters of Conservation Science student
School of the Environment |
Dr Hawthorne Beyer Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Biological Sciences Possingham Lab |
Dr Duan Biggs Senior Research Fellow
Environmental Futures Research Institute, Griffith University Adjunct Senior Research Fellow
School of Biological Sciences, The University of Queensland Adjunct Senior Research Fellow
Department of Conservation Ecology and Entomology and Centre for Complex Systems in Transition, School of Public Leadership, Stellenbosch University |
Jez Bird PhD Student
School of Biological Sciences Fuller Lab Group |
Rhiannon Bird PhD student
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability Smith Lab Group |
Damber Bista PhD student
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability |
Isak Biwer Master of Conservation Biology student
School of the Environment |
Dr Elizabeth Boakes Postdoctoral Research Fellow |
Robyn Boldy PhD Student
School of the Environment |
Lachlan Bourke PhD student
School of the Environment Adaptive Biotoxicology Lab |
Pauline Bourke Master of Conservation Biology student
School of the Environment |
Natalee Bozzi Master of Conservation Biology student
School of the Environment |
Dr Aleksander Braczkowski PhD Candidate
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Shantala Brisbane PhD student
School of the Environment Rhodes Sustainable Landscapes Group Lovelock Mangrove and Blue Carbon Lab |
Maddison Brown PhD student
School of the Environment Lovelock Mangrove and Blue Carbon Lab HDR Representative – Research and Community
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science |
Mr Tom Bruce Ecological Cascades Lab |
Elizabeth Buccheri PhD student
School of the Environment Marine Spatial Ecology Lab |
Sugeng Budiharta PhD Student
School of Biological Sciences Wilson Conservation Ecology Lab |
Kristine Buenafe PhD student
School of the Environment Richardson Mathematical Marine Ecology Lab Dunn Applied Marine Biogeography Lab |
Dr Nathalie Butt School of Biological Sciences Former Deputy Director - Community (2021–23)
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science |
Rio Button PhD student
School of the Environment Marine Spatial Ecology Lab |
Ilha Byrne PhD student
School of the Environment Riginos Lab |
Hernán Cáceres Escobar PhD Student
School of Biological Sciences Kark Biodiversity Group Possingham Lab |
Natasha Cadenhead PhD student
School of the Environment Maron Lab |
Lisa Calleja Master in Conservation Science student
School of the Environment |
Debbie Chamberlain PhD Student
School of Biological Sciences Remote Sensing Research Centre
Possingham Lab |
Taison Chang Master of Conservation Science student
School of the Environment Marine Spatial Ecology Lab |
Dr Adam Charette-Castonguay Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences McDonald-Madden Lab |
Felicity Charles PhD student
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability Smith Lab Group |
Lachlan Charles PhD Student
School of Biological Sciences Fuller Lab Group |
Dr Alienor Chauvenet Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Biological Sciences Possingham Lab |
Shu Chen PhD student
School of Communication and the Arts Rhodes Lab HDR Representative - Engagement and Community
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science |
Associate Professor Karen Cheney UQ Amplify Associate Professor
School of the Environment Affiliate of Centre for Marine Science
Centre for Marine Science |
+61 7 336 57071 |
Dr Hubert Cheung PhD Student
School of Biological Science Possingham Lab |
Mandy Cheung PhD student
School of the Environment Marine Spatial Ecology Lab |
Shinyen Chiu PhD student
School of the Environment Ecological Cascades Lab |
Frankie Cho PhD student
School of the Environment Rhodes Lab |
Dr Jimmy Choi Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Biological Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Fuller Lab Group |
Shawan Chowdhury PhD Student
School of Biological Sciences |
Yi Fei Chung PhD student
School of the Environment Rhodes Lab |
Lamuel C. H. Chung PhD student
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability, School of the Environment Reside Lab, Phinn Lab |
Emma Church PhD student
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability Dean Lab Group |
Rob Clemens PhD Student
School of Biological Sciences Fuller Lab Group |
Laura Coles PhD student
School of the Environment/University of Exeter Kark Group |
Jessica Collins Honours student, Bachelor of Environmental Science
School of the Environment |
Harry Cooper Masters of Conservation Biology student
School of the Environment |
Marina Corella Tor PhD student
School of the Environment Amano Lab, Fuller Lab |
Colleen Corrigan PhD Student
School of Biological Sciences Possingham Lab |
Dr Rich Cottrell Honorary Research Fellow
School of the Environment Aquaculture Sustainability Theme Co-Lead, Sustainable Futures and Planetary Health
The University of Tasmania, Centre for Marine Socioecology |
Gabriel Couto Master of Conservation Biology student
School of the Environment Van Rensburg Lab |
Dr Dylan Cowley Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of the Environment Marine Ecosystem Monitoring Lab Earth Observation Research Centre |
Dr Dylan Cowley Casual Academic (Environmental Management) & Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of the Environment Casual Research Assistant & Casual Tutor
School of Mathematics and Physics |
Lachlan Cross Environmental Science undergraduate
School of the Environment |
Brodie Crouch PhD student
School of the Environment Maron Ecology and Conservation Policy Lab |
Brodie Crouch Honours student
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Bridey Crowe Master of Conservation Science student
School of Biological Sciences/School of Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Emer Cunningham PhD student
School of the Environment Marine Palaeoecology Lab |
Alvise Dabala PhD student
School of the Environment Richardson Mathematical Marine Ecology Lab Dunn Applied Marine Biogeography Lab |
Leah Dann PhD Student
School of the Environment Kark Biodiversity Group |
Oscar Dash Honours student
School of the Environment Reside Lab |
Madeline Davey PhD Student
School of Biological Sciences Klein Group |
Robyn Davies Honours student
School of Biological Sciences Lovelock Mangrove and Blue Carbon Lab |
Dr Katrina Davis Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Biological Sciences Wilson Conservation Ecology Lab Possingham Lab |
Rani Davis PhD student
School of the Environment Reside Wildlife Conservation Lab |
Chloe Dawson PhD student
School of the Environment Sonter Lab |
Ayontika De Masters of Environmental Management student
School of the Environment |
Carlos Henrique De Andrade PhD student
São Paulo State University Possingham Lab |
Dr Kaline de Mello Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Earth and Environmental Science Maron Lab |
Dr Micheli Duarte de Paula Costa Research Fellow
Deakin University Gehrmann Labs |
Hayden de Villiers Honours student
School of the Environment Fisher Lab |
Associate Professor Angela Dean Associate Professor
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability Associate Professor
School of the Environment Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science & Deputy Director - Community
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science Affiliate of Centre for Marine Science
Centre for Marine Science |
+61 7 344 33367 |
Bastien Dehaudt PhD student
School of the Environment Ecological Cascades Lab |
Chantelle Derez PhD student
School of the Environment Fuller Lab Group |
Tessa Derkley School of Veterinary Sciences School of the Environment
PhD student Dean Lab Group |
Ishaan Deswal Masters of Environmental Management student
School of the Environment |
Tom Deweerdt PhD student
School of the Environment |
Tashi Dhendup PhD student
School of the Environment Ecological Cascades Lab |
Dr Moreno Di Marco Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Biological Sciences Possingham Lab |
Brendan Dillon PhD Student
School of Biological Sciences Possingham Lab |
Felipe Do Carmo Jorge PhD student
School of the Environment Van Rensburg Lab |
Rosa Mar Dominguez Martinez PhD student
School of the Environment Klein Lab |
Rachel Driml Honours student
School of the Environment |
Dr Christine Dudgeon Senior Research Fellow
School of Biomedical Sciences |
+61 7 334 67975 |
Associate Professor Daniel Dunn Associate Professor & Centre Director of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science Affiliate of Centre for Marine Science
Centre for Marine Science |
+61 7 336 58513 |
Dr John Dwyer Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science Associate Professor
School of the Environment |
+61 7 336 52863 |
Associate Professor John Dwyer Senior Lecturer
School of the Environment |
Alesia Dyer Research Assistant
School of the Environment |
Phil Dyer PhD student
School of Mathematics and Physics Richardson Mathematical Marine Ecology Lab |
Maddy Dyring PhD student
School of the Environment |
Bianca Eagles Honours student
School of the Environment Wenger Lab |
Paul Elton PhD student
School of the Environment Australian National University Maron Lab |
Dr Megan Evans Postdoctoral Research Fellow |
Dr Loren Fardell | ||
Sharlene Fechter PhD student
School of the Environment Benham Lab |
Professor Rod Fensham Professor
School of the Environment |
+61 7 334 67737 |
Sebastian Fester PhD student
School of the Environment Maron Lab Ecological Cascades Lab |
Alannah Filer PhD student
School of the Environment Van Rensburg Lab |
Associate Professor Diana Fisher Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science |
Aharon Fleury PhD student
School of the Environment Dunn Applied Marine Biogeography Lab |
Rose Foster PhD student
TC Beirne School of Law |
Lara Franco PhD Student
School of Biological Sciences Fuller Lab Group |
Sara Freeland Master of Conservation Science student
School of the Environment |
Natalie Freeman PhD student
School of Biological Sciences Wilson Performance Lab Fisher Lab Group |
Harrah Friedlander PhD student
School of the Environment Hart Lab Fuller Lab HDR Representative - Advancement and Community
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science |
Rachel Friedman PhD Student
School of Biological Sciences Wilson Conservation Ecology Lab |
Yoshinari Fukuzawa Master of Environmental Management student
School of the Environment |
Professor Richard Fuller Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science Professor
School of the Environment Affiliate of Centre for Marine Science
Centre for Marine Science |
+61 7 334 69912 |
Dr Graham Fulton Honorary Research Fellow
School of Environment Possingham Lab |
Dr Eduardo Gallo-Cajiao PhD Student
School of Biological Sciences Fuller Lab Group Kark Biodiversity Group |
Veronica Gama PhD Student
School of the Environment Possingham Lab |
Caitlin Gaskell Bachelor of Environmental Management (Honours) student
School of the Environment Smith Lab |
Dr Michelle Gibson Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences Maron Ecology and Conservation Policy Lab |
Kirsten Golding Research Assistant
School of Environment Marine Ecosystems Monitoring Lab |
Dr Diego Felipe Correa Gómez Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of the Environment Reef Catchments Science Partnership |
Evelyn Gómez Juárez Research Assistant
School of the Environment Wenger Lab |
Roy Gordon-Firing Sandberg Graduate Certificate of Environmental Management student
School of the Environment |
Dominic Greenwood Master of Conservation Biology student
School of the Environment |
Dr Laura Grogan Senior Lecturer in Wildlife Science
School of the Environment |
Dr Angela Guerrero Gonzalez Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Biological Sciences Wilson Conservation Ecology Lab |
Aushij Gupta Master of Environmental Management student
School of the Environment |
Muhammad Hafizt PhD student
School of the Environment Roelfsema Lab |
Dr Valerie Hagger Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science Research Fellow
School of the Environment Lovelock Lab |
Jasmine Hall Research Assistant
Griffith University Australian Rivers Institute, Coastal and Marine Research Centre |
Dr Nicholas Hammerman Casual Academic
Faculty of Science Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of the Environment |
Kelsey Hannah PhD student
School of the Environment Fuller Lab, translatE project |
Emma Hansen Bachelor of Environmental Science
School of Environment |
Jeff Hanson PhD Student
School of Biological Sciences Fuller Lab Group |
Nguyen Hao Tran Honours student
School of Earth and Environmental Science Maron Ecology and Conservation Policy Lab |
Laura Harms Honours graduate, tutor
School of the Environment |
Dr Simon Hart Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science Senior Lecturer in Quantitative Biology
School of the Environment Affiliate of ARC COE for Plant Success in Nature and Agriculture
ARC COE for Plant Success in Nature and Agriculture |
+61 7 344 31074 |
Al Healy PhD student
School of the Environment Remote Sensing Research Centre
Fensham Lab |
Dr Geoffrey Heard Project Manager
Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science |
+61 7 336 59097 |
Harris Heng Wei-Khang PhD student
School of the Environment Applied Marine Biogeography Lab Marine Spatial Ecology Lab |
Fedra Herman Masters of Conservation Biology student
School of the Environment |
Jack Hill PhD student
School of the Environment Lovelock Mangrove and Blue Carbon Lab |
Narelle Hill Honours student
School of Biological Sciences Fuller lab Group |
Sophie Hinchliffe Honours student
School of the Environment Sonter Lab |
Therese Hjemaas Honours student, Bachelor of Environmental Management
School of the Environment |
Samuel Ho Honours student
School of the Environment |
Georgina Hockings School of Earth and Environmental Science MPhil student
Maron Ecology and Conservation Policy Lab |
Georgina Hockings Honours Student
School of Biological Sciences Kark Biodiversity Group |
Emeritus Professor Marc Hockings Emeritus Professor
School of the Environment |
Dr Matthew Holden Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science & Deputy Director - Research
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science Senior Lecturer
Mathematics Affiliate of Centre for Marine Science
Centre for Marine Science |
+61 7 336 51386 |
Oakes Holland Masters Student
School of Biological Sciences Wilson Conservation Ecology Lab |
Dr Melissa Houghton PhD student
School of Biological Sciences |
Mr Jayden Hyman Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of the Environment Sonter Lab |
Dr Gwen Iacona Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Biological Sciences Possingham Lab |
Alexandra (PJ) Ikpe Masters of Conservation Science student
School of the Environment Franklin Lab |
Dr Karlina Indraswari Postdoctoral Research Fellow & Casual Senior Research Assistant & Casual Academic (Conservation Biology)
School of the Environment Maron Ecology and Conservation Policy Lab |
Hisatake Ishida Honours student
Australian Centre for Ecogenomics |
Lenn Isidore PhD student
School of Biological Sciences Van Rensburg Lab |
Dr Micha Jackson Research Fellow
School of Biological Sciences Fuller Lab Group, Possingham Lab Group |
Dr Berndt Janse Van Rensburg Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science Coordinator: Master of Conservation
School of the Environment |
+61 7 336 58382 |
Dr Lasinidu Jayarathna Senior Research Assistant
School of the Environment Sonter Lab |
Acacia Jennings Master of Conservation Biology graduate
The School of the Environment |
Dr Kendall Jones Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Biological Sciences Possingham Lab |
Dr Natalie Jones Senior Research Fellow & Senior Lecturer
School of the Environment Affiliate Research Fellow of School of Social Science
School of Social Science Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science Affiliate of Centre for Marine Science
Centre for Marine Science |
Professor Salit Kark Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science Professor
School of the Environment Affiliate of Centre for Marine Science
Centre for Marine Science |
+61 7 336 51376 |
Stephen Kearney PhD Student
School of Earth and Environmental Science Green Fire Science NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub |
Lucy Keniger PhD student
School of the Environment Fuller Lab Group |
Dr Tania Kenyon Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of the Environment |
Gareth Kindler MPhil student
School of the Environment Green Fire Science Lab |
Associate Professor Carissa Klein Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science & Deputy Director - Advancement
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science Principal Research Fellow, ARC Funded
School of the Environment Affiliate of Centre for Marine Science
Centre for Marine Science |
+61 7 336 56074 |
Tanvi Krishnani PhD Student
School of Biological Sciences Kark Biodiversity Group |
Tanvi Krishnani PhD student
School of the Environment Kark Group |
Dr Caitie Kuempel Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Biological Sciences Hoegh-Guldberg Lab ECR Representative – Education
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science |
Indigo Kuss-Patterson Honours student
School of the Environment Dwyer Plant Ecology Lab |
Valerie Shu Yi Kwan PhD candidate
School of the Environment Lovelock Mangrove and Blue Carbon Lab |
Nga-Yee Lai PhD student
School of the Environment Amano Lab |
Davis Lau Master of Conservation Biology student
School of the Environment |
Dr Elizabeth Law Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Biological Sciences Wilson Conservation Ecology Lab |
Tayla Lawrie Project Coordinator
Threatened Species Index Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) |
Dr Christopher Lawson Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of the Environment Marine Spatial Ecology Lab |
Morane Le Nohaic PhD student
School of the Environment Marine Spatial Ecology Lab |
Emma Lee Honours Student
School of Biological Sciences Kark Biodiversity Group |
Jasmine Lee PhD Student
School of Biological Sciences Fuller Lab Group Possingham Lab |
Katie Lee PhD student
School of the Environment McDonald-Madden Lab |
Samuel Lee Research Assistant
School of the Environment Ecological Cascades Lab |
Professor Sarah Legge Professor
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Chuan Lei PhD student
School of the Environment Riginos Lab |
Mr Nicholas Leseberg Casual Senior Research Assistant
School of the Environment Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science |
Grace Leung PhD Student
School of the Environment Mayfield Lab |
Suki Leung Research Assistant
School of the Environment Marine Spatial Ecology Lab |
Jiaqi Li (Juli) PhD student
School of the Environment Ecological Cascades Lab |
Zoe Lieb PhD student
School of the Environment Ecological Cascades Lab |
Da-Li Lin PhD student
School of Biological Sciences Fuller Lab Group |
Hsien-Yung Lin PhD Student
School of Biological Sciences Fuller Lab Group Possingham Lab |
Angela Liu PhD student
School of the Environment Dunn Applied Marine Biogeography Lab |
Gabriel Liu Honours student
School of Earth and Environmental Science Ocean Conservation Lab |
Xiaojuan Liu Visiting PhD student
School of the Environment Fuller Lab Group |
Tom Lloyd PhD student
School of the Environment Sonter Lab and Fuller Lab |
Dr Sofía López-Cubillos Postdoctoral Research Fellow
University of Melbourne McKenzie Lab |
Claire Lorette Masters of Environmental Management student
School of Earth and Environmental Science Maron Ecology and Conservation Policy Lab |
Professor Catherine Lovelock Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science ARC Laureate Fellow
School of the Environment Affiliate of Centre for Marine Science
Centre for Marine Science |
+61 7 336 52304 |
Benjamin Lucas PhD student
School of the Environment Green Fire Science Lab |
Dr Matthew Luskin Deputy Director - Engagement
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science UQ Amplify Associate Professor
School of the Environment |
+61 7 336 52527 |
Matthew Lynch Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Mathematics student
School of the Environment |
Dr Mitchell Lyons Research Fellow and Lecturer
School of the Environment Remote Sensing Research Centre |
Dr Deqiang Ma Graduated PhD student
School of Earth and Environmental Science Maron Lab |
Chris MacColl PhD student
School of the Environment Green Fire Science Lab |
Dr Ray Maher Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science Senior Lecturer in Design (Built Environment)
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
0478780287 |
Ray Maher PhD student
School of the Environment |
Natalya Maitz PhD student
School of the Environment Fisher Lab |
Bonnie Mappin PhD Student
School of Biological Sciences Possingham Lab |
Katrina Marchant School of Earth and Environmental Science Honours student
Applied Marine Biogeogaphy Lab |
Professor Martine Maron Professor
School of the Environment Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science |
+61 7 336 53836 |
Carly Martin Honours Student
School of Biological Sciences Kark Biodiversity Group |
Ruby Martin Masters of Conservation Biology student
School of the Environment |
Dr Vicki Martin Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences Visiting Fellow
Cornell Lab of Ornithology |
Maria Jose Martinez Harms PhD Student
School of Biological Sciences Wilson Conservation Ecology Lab |
Fleur Maseyk PhD Student
School of Biological Sciences Possingham Lab |
Dr Claire Mason Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Gloeta Massie PhD student
School of Veterinary Science, School of the Environment, School of Social Science Fuller Lab |
Dr Emily Massingham Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of the Environment ECR Representative – Engagement
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science Possingham Lab Dean Place, Nature and Society Lab |
Dr Sean Maxwell Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Earth and Environmental Science Green Fire Science Lab |
Caitlyn May Honours student
School of the Environment |
Dr Helen Mayfield Research Fellow & Casual Senior Research Assistant
UQ Centre for Clinical Research Casual Academic & Casual Research Assistant
School of the Environment Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science |
+61 7 336 55393 |
Dr Tessa Mazor Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Biological Sciences Lovelock Lab |
Emeritus Professor Clive McAlpine Emeritus Professor
School of the Environment |
Eleanor McCall Master of Environmental Management student
School of the Environment Smith Lab group |
Dr Erin McCreless Postdoctoral Research Fellow |
Jemma McCrossin Honours student
School of the Environment Wenger Lab |
Professor Eve McDonald-Madden Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science Professorial ARC Research Fellow
School of the Environment |
+61 7 336 56525 |
Dr Jennifer McGowan PhD Student
School of Biological Sciences Possingham Lab |
Dr Sarah McGrath Project Officer
Threatened Species Index Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) |
Dr Matthew McKinney PhD Student
School of Biological Sciences Kark Biodiversity Group |
Mercedes McLean School of the Environment PhD student
Applied Marine Biogeogaphy Lab |
Emily McLeod PhD student
School of the Environment Dean Lab |
Joe Meadham Master of Conservation Biology student
School of the Environment |
Dr Courtney Melton Ecological Researcher
Bush Heritage Australia Maron Ecology and Conservation Policy Lab Wildlife Conservation Lab |
Karishma Menon Honours student
School of the Environment Smith Lab |
Zoe Meziere PhD student
School of the Environment Riginos Lab |
Zhe Miao Master of Conservation Biology student
School of the Environment |
Dr Morena Mills Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Biological Sciences Possingham Lab |
Jonathan Mills-Anderson Master of Conservation Science student
School of the Environment |
Sofia Mora Restrepo Masters of Environmental Management student
School of the Environment |
Jeremy Morales Masters of Environmental Management student
School of the Environment |
Dr Courtney Morgans Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of the Environment Rhodes Sustainable Landscapes Group |
Courtney Morgans PhD Student
School of Biological Sciences Wilson Conservation Ecology Lab |
Professor Peter Mumby Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science Professorial Research Fellow
School of the Environment Affiliate of Centre for Marine Science
Centre for Marine Science |
+61 7 336 51686 |
Dr Nicholas Murray Senior Lecturer
James Cook University |
Divya Narain PhD student
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences Maron Lab |
Dr Pablo Negret Maron Ecology and Conservation Policy Lab and Rhodes Sustainable Landscapes Group
NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub |
Sandra Neubert PhD student
School of the Environment Richardson Mathematical Marine Ecology Lab Dunn Applied Marine Biogeography Lab |
Dr Elize Ng Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of the Environment Fuller Lab Group Amano Lab Group |
Rowan Nicholls Honours student
School of the Environment Dunn Applied Marine Biogeography Lab |
Dina Nisthar Research Associate
School of the Environment Applied Marine Biogeography Lab |
Henry Nolan Master of Conservation Science student
School of the Environment |
Tida Nou School of the Environment Research Assistant and Communications Officer
Maron Ecology and Conservation Policy Lab and NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub |
Junior Novera PhD student
School of the Environment Kark Biodiversity Group |
Ilyas Nursamsi PhD student
School of the Environment Sonter Lab Ecological Cascades Lab |
Dr Chris O'Bryan Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of the Environment McDonald-Madden Lab |
Alana O'Dwyer Master of Conservation Science student
School of Biological Sciences |
Dr Rachel Oh Graduated PhD student
School of Biological Sciences Fuller Lab Group |
Justine Ohlrich PhD student
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability Smith Lab Group |
Sofia Palmer Honours student
School of the Environment |
Alex Pearse Research Assistant
School of the Environment Lovelock Mangrove and Blue Carbon Lab |
Isabella Pires de Arruda Campos Master of Animal Science student
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability Reside Wildlife Conservation Lab; Smith Lab |
Kira Platt-Behrens Bachelor of Environmental Science (Honours) student
School of Earth and Environmental Science Fuller Lab Group |
Dr Michaela Plein Postdoctoral Research Fellow McDonald-Madden Lab |
Tomás J. Poch Velasco Master of Conservation Science student
School of Biological Sciences |
Christopher Pocknee PhD student
School of the Environment Fisher Lab |
Anisha Pokharel PhD student
School of the Environment Kark Group |
Professor Hugh Possingham V-C Senior Research Fellow
School of the Environment Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science Affiliate of Centre for Marine Science
Centre for Marine Science |
David Poulton PhD student
School of the Environment Maron Lab |
Aditya Pramudya PhD student
School of the Environment Kark Group |
Dr Tatiana Proboste Ibertti Research Fellow
School of Veterinary Science Spatial Epidemiology Lab |
Johannes Prozesky Masters student
School of the Environment Reside Lab |
Ji Qi Masters of Environmental Management student
School of the Environment |
Dr Sreekar Rachakonda Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of the Environment ECR Representative - Community and Research
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science Sonter Lab |
Anya Ratnayaka PhD student
School of the Environment Fisher Lab |
Maia Raymundo PhD student
School of the Environment |
Sai Meghna Reddy Gaddam Master of Environmental Management graduate
School of the Environment |
Dr April Reside Senior Lecturer in AgroEcology
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science Senior Lecturer in AgroEcology
School of the Environment |
+61 7 54601 320 |
Jaime Restrepo PhD student
School of the Environment Applied Marine Biogeography Lab |
Miranda Rew-Duffy PhD student
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability Maron Ecology and Conservation Policy Lab |
Julián Reyes Master in Conservation Science student
School of the Environment Fuller Lab Group |
Professor Jonathan Rhodes Professor
School of the Environment |
Justine Rice Honours student
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability Reside Wildlife Conservation Lab |
Professor Anthony Richardson Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science Professor
School of the Environment Affiliate of Centre for Marine Science
Centre for Marine Science |
+61 7 3833 5958 |
James Richardson PhD student
School of the Environment Letten Lab |
Samantha Richardson Honours Student
School of Biological Sciences Kark Biodiversity Group |
Professor Cynthia Riginos Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science Professor
School of the Environment Affiliate of Centre for Marine Science
Centre for Marine Science |
+61 7 336 52152 |
David Cortes Rincon MPhil student
School of the Environment Kark Group |
Nayelli Rivera PhD student
School of the Environment Amano Lab |
Nia Rivers Master of Conservation Science student
School of the Environment |
Dr Leslie Roberson Research Fellow
School of the Environment Ocean Conservation Lab |
Associate Professor Chris Roelfsema Associate Professor
School of the Environment Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science Affiliate of Centre for Marine Science
Centre for Marine Science |
+61 7 336 56977 |
Dr Andrew Rogers Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of the Environment Kark Biodiversity Group |
Jaramar Villarreal Rosas PhD Student
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Dr Jaramar Villarreal Rosas Research Fellow
Australian Rivers Institute Griffith University |
Dr Tracy Rout Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of the Environment McMad Lab |
Gillian Rowan PhD student
School of the Environment Remote Sensing Research Centre |
Devin Rowell PhD student
School of the Environment Marine Spatial Ecology Lab |
Phebe Rowland Honours student
School of the Environment Mangrove and Blue Carbon Lab |
Dr Rebecca Runting Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Biological Sciences Possingham Lab |
Caitlin Rutherford Master of Conservation Science student
School of the Environment |
Dr Alvaro Salazar Postdoctoral Research Fellow
University of La Serena Honorary Research Fellow
The University of Queensland |
Chris Sanderson PhD Student
School of the Environment Possingham Lab |
Dr Truly Santika Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Biological Sciences Wilson Conservation Ecology Lab |
Dr Megan Saunders Senior Research Fellow
School of Chemical Engineering |
Teagan Schermer Honours student, Bachelor of Environmental Science
School of the Environment |
Anna Scott Honours student
School of the Environment Bachelor of Environmental Management (Hons) |
Dr Leonie Seabrook Honorary Research Fellow
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Dr Justine Shaw Senior Research Fellow
School of Earth and Environmental Science |
Xu Shi PhD candidate
School of the Environment Fuller Lab |
Dr Luke Shoo Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Biological Sciences Wilson Conservation Ecology Lab |
Dr Nicole Shumway Research Fellow
Centre for Policy Futures Research Fellow
TC Beirne School of Law |
Dr Jeremy Simmonds Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Earth and Environmental Science Maron Ecology and Conservation Policy Lab |
Blake Alexander Simmons PhD Student
School of Biological Sciences Wilson Conservation Ecology Lab |
Dr Annabel Smith Lecturer in Wildlife Management
School of the Environment |
Mitch Snow Master of Conservation Biology student
School of the Environment |
Nicola Sockhill PhD student
School of the Environment Fuller Lab |
Associate Professor Laura Sonter Adjunct Associate Professor
School of the Environment Technical Director - Science and Policy
The Biodiversity Consultancy |
David Soulema Master of Environmental Management
School of Environment |
Ella Speedie Honours student, Bachelor of Advanced Science
School of the Environment Smith Lab |
Scott Spillias PhD student
School of Earth and Environmental Science McDonald-Madden Lab |
Debra Stark Research Assistant
School of the Environment Van Rensburg Lab |
Keila Stark Research Assistant
School of the Environment Klein Group |
Dr Rochelle Steven Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Biological Sciences |
Phoebe Stewart-Sinclair PhD Student
School of the Environment Klein Lab |
Ita Sualia PhD student
School of the Environment Klein Lab |
Dr Andrés Felipe Suárez Castro Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Biological Sciences |
Sharifah Farhah Syed Azaham Master of Conservation Science student
School of the Environment |
Patrick Sykes School of Mathematics and Physics PhD student
Mathematical Marine Ecology Lab |
Anazelia Tedesco PhD Student
School of Earth and Environmental Science Possingham Lab, Rhodes Lab |
Dr Daniella Teixeira PhD Student
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Tim Temizyurek PhD student
School of the Environment Hart Lab |
Michael Tervo Senior Research Technician
School of the Environment |
Hannah Thomas PhD student
School of the Environment Maron Lab |
Emilee Thomson Honours student
School of the Environment Reside Lab |
Eloise Tighe PhD student
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability Reside Wildlife Conservation Lab |
Liam Timms Research Assistant
School of Mathematics and Physics |
Isaac Towers PhD student
School of the Environment Dwyer Lab |
Dr Ayesha Tulloch Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Biological Sciences |
Vivitskaia Tulloch Postdoctoral Research Fellow |
James Tweed PhD student
School of the Environment Kark Group |
Dr Alice Twomey Research Fellow
School of the Environment Lovelock Lab |
Dr Alice Twomey Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of the Environment Lovelock Mangrove and Blue Carbon Lab |
Konrad Uebel PhD Student
School of Biological Sciences Wilson Conservation Ecology Lab |
Natasha Ufer Research Assistant
Sustainable Minerals Institute Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation |
Tia Vella School of Earth and Environmental Science Honours student
Klein-Biggs-Possingham Lab |
Dr Ruben Venegas Li Research Fellow
School of the Environment Green Fire Science Lab |
Riley Wagner Master of Conservation Biology student
School of the Environment |
Ama Wakwella PhD student
School of the Environment Ocean Conservation Lab |
Dr Jessica Walsh Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Michelle Ward PhD Student
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Dr Michelle Ward Honorary Research Fellow
School of the Environment Rhodes Lab |
Dr Yolanda Waters Senior Research Assistant
School of the Environment Dean Lab Group |
Alex Watkins PhD student
School of the Environment Rhodes Lab |
Professor James Watson Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science Professor (Environ Mgmt)
School of the Environment Affiliate of Centre for Marine Science
Centre for Marine Science |
+61 7 334 61645 |
Stephanie Weatherill Master of Conservation Science student
School of the Environment |
Haonan Wei Honours student
School of the Environment Amano Lab |
Dr Jessie Wells Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Biological Sciences Wilson Conservation Ecology Lab |
Dr Amelia Wenger Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science Senior Research Fellow
School of the Environment Affiliate of Centre for Marine Science
Centre for Marine Science |
Jaimee Wheelhouse PhD student
School of the Environment; School of Veterinary Science Ecological Cascades Lab |
Barbara Whittaker Administration Officer
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science |
+61 7 334 60873 |
Rosalie Willacy PhD student
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences Complex Environmental Decisions Lab (McDonald-Madden Lab) NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub |
Dr Brooke Williams Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of the Environment Sustainable Landscapes Group |
Joshua Wilson PhD student
School of the Environment Fuller Lab |
Steve Wilson PhD Student
School of Biological Sciences Kark Biodiversity Group |
Samantha Wong-Topp PhD student
School of the Environment Fuller Lab Institute for Social Science Research |
Dr Bradley Woodworth Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science Fuller Lab |
Yang Wu Visiting PhD student
School of the Environment Fuller Lab |
Poppy Wyndham Honours student
School of the Environment |
Dr Hui Xiao PhD student
School of Earth and Environmental Science McDonald-Madden Lab |
Professor Zunyi Xie Honorary Research Fellow
School of the Environment Professor
Henan University, China |
Dr Chiaki Yamato Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of the Environment Lanyon Lab |
Dr Kwek Yan Chong Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Biological Sciences Wilson Conservation Ecology Lab Possingham Lab |
Fei Yang Master of Environmental Management student
School of the Environment Research Assistant
Wenger Lab |
Kelsie Youman Honours student
School of the Environment Kark Biodiversity Group |
Giles Young Master of Conservation Science student
School of the Environment |
Natasha Zaletel Kamruddin Masters of Conservation Biology student
School of the Environment |
Dr Christina Zdenek Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of the Environment Venom Evolution Lab |
Joan Zwar Master of Conservation Science student
School of the Environment and Hidden Vale |