HDR, Masters, and Honours Students within the Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science.

Current Students

  • Maddison Brown

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Lovelock Mangrove and Blue Carbon Lab
    HDR Representative – Engagement
    Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
  • Shu Chen

    PhD student
    School of Communication and the Arts
    Rhodes Lab
    HDR Representative
    Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
  • Harrah Friedlander

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Hart Lab
    Fuller Lab
    HDR Representative
    Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
  • Nisansala Abeysinghe

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    McMad Lab and Rhodes Lab
  • Amina Akbar

    Honours student, Bachelor of Environmental Management
    School of the Environment
  • Hannah Allan

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Marine Spatial Ecology Lab
  • Laura Alvis Sanchez

    Master of Environmental Management student
    School of the Environment
  • Zachary Amir

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Ecological Cascades Lab
  • Skye Anderson

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Ecological Cascades Lab
  • Cassandra Arkinstall

    PhD student
    School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
    Save the Bilby Fund and Arid Recovery
  • Stephanie Avery-Gomm

    PhD Student
    School of the Environment
    Possingham Lab Group
    Fuller Lab Group
  • Liz Barber

    PhD Student
    School of the Environment
    Fuller Lab Group
  • Sharad Bayyana

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Marine PalaeoEcology laboratory
    Richardson Mathematical Marine Ecology Lab
  • Vicki Bennion

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Mangrove and Blue Carbon Lab
  • Violeta Berdejo-Espinola

    PhD student and Senior Research Technician
    School of the Environment
    Fuller Lab Group
  • Monique Bertin

    Masters of Conservation Science student
    School of the Environment
  • Rhiannon Bird

    PhD student
    School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
    Smith Lab Group
  • Damber Bista

    PhD student
    School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
  • Robyn Boldy

    PhD Student
    School of the Environment
  • Shantala Brisbane

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Rhodes Sustainable Landscapes Group
    Lovelock Mangrove and Blue Carbon Lab
  • Liz Buccheri

    Elizabeth Buccheri

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Marine Spatial Ecology Lab
  • Kristine Buenafe

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Richardson Mathematical Marine Ecology Lab
    Dunn Applied Marine Biogeography Lab
  • Rio Button

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Marine Spatial Ecology Lab
  • Ilha Byrne

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Riginos Lab
  • Natasha Cadenhead

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Maron Lab
  • Taison Chang

    Master of Conservation Science student
    School of the Environment
    Marine Spatial Ecology Lab
  • Felicity Charles

    PhD student
    School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
    Smith Lab Group
  • Mandy Cheung

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Marine Spatial Ecology Lab
  • Shinyen Chiu

    Master of Conservation Science student
    School of the Environment
  • Frankie Cho

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Rhodes Lab
  • Lamuel C. H. Chung

    PhD student
    School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability, School of the Environment
    Reside Lab, Phinn Lab
  • Yi Fei Chung

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Rhodes Lab
  • Emma Church

    PhD student
    School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
    Dean Lab Group
  • Laura Coles

    PhD student
    School of the Environment/University of Exeter
    Kark Group
  • Jessica Collins

    Honours student, Bachelor of Environmental Science
    School of the Environment
  • Marina Corella Tor

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Amano Lab, Fuller Lab
  • Gabriel Couto

    Master of Conservation Biology student
    School of the Environment
    Van Rensburg Lab
  • Lachlan Cross

    Environmental Science undergraduate
    School of the Environment
  • Brodie Crouch

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Maron Ecology and Conservation Policy Lab
  • Emer Cunningham

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Marine Palaeoecology Lab
  • Alvise Dabala

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Richardson Mathematical Marine Ecology Lab
    Dunn Applied Marine Biogeography Lab
  • Leah Dann

    PhD Student
    School of the Environment
    Kark Biodiversity Group
  • Rani Davis

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Reside Wildlife Conservation Lab
  • Chloe Dawson

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Sonter Lab
  • Ayontika De

    Masters of Environmental Management student
    School of the Environment
  • Carlos Henrique De Andrade

    PhD student
    São Paulo State University
    Possingham Lab
  • Hayden de Villiers

    Honours student
    School of the Environment
    Fisher Lab
  • Bastien Dehaudt

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Ecological Cascades Lab
  • Chantelle Derez

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Fuller Lab Group
  • Tessa Derkley

    School of Veterinary Sciences
    School of the Environment
    PhD student
    Dean Lab Group
  • Ishaan Deswal

    Masters of Environmental Management student
    School of the Environment
  • Tom Deweerdt

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
  • Rosa Mar Dominguez Martinez

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Klein Lab
  • Rachel Driml

    Honours student
    School of the Environment
  • Phil Dyer

    PhD student
    School of Mathematics and Physics
    Richardson Mathematical Marine Ecology Lab
  • Maddy Dyring

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
  • Bianca Eagles

    Honours student
    School of the Environment
    Wenger Lab
  • Paul Elton

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Australian National University
    Maron Lab
  • Shamia Farhana Shoma

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Fisher Lab
  • Sharlene Fechter

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Benham Lab
  • Sebastian Fester

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Maron Lab
    Ecological Cascades Lab
  • Alannah Filer

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Van Rensburg Lab
  • Aharon Fleury

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Dunn Applied Marine Biogeography Lab
  • Rose Foster

    PhD student
    TC Beirne School of Law
  • Sara Freeland

    Master of Conservation Science student
    School of the Environment
  • Yoshinari Fukuzawa

    Master of Environmental Management student
    School of the Environment
  • Veronica Gama

    PhD Student
    School of the Environment
    Possingham Lab
  • Caitlin Gaskell

    Bachelor of Environmental Management (Honours) student
    School of the Environment
    Smith Lab
  • Roy Gordon-Firing Sandberg

    Graduate Certificate of Environmental Management student
    School of the Environment
  • Dominic Greenwood

    Master of Conservation Biology student
    School of the Environment
  • Aushij Gupta

    Master of Environmental Management student
    School of the Environment
  • Muhammad Hafizt

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Roelfsema Lab
  • Kelsey Hannah

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Fuller Lab, translatE project
  • Emma Hansen

    Bachelor of Environmental Science
    School of Environment
  • Laura Harms

    Honours graduate, tutor
    School of the Environment
  • Al Healy

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Remote Sensing Research Centre
    Fensham Lab
  • Harris Heng Wei-Khang

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Applied Marine Biogeography Lab
    Marine Spatial Ecology Lab
  • Fedra Herman

    Masters of Conservation Biology student
    School of the Environment
  • Jack Hill

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Lovelock Mangrove and Blue Carbon Lab
  • Sophie Hinchliffe

    Honours student
    School of the Environment
    Sonter Lab
  • Therese Hjemaas

    Honours student, Bachelor of Environmental Management
    School of the Environment
  • Samuel Ho

    Honours student
    School of the Environment
  • Alexandra (PJ) Ikpe

    Masters of Conservation Science student
    School of the Environment
    Franklin Lab
  • Hisatake Ishida

    Honours student
    Australian Centre for Ecogenomics
  • Felipe Do Carmo Jorge

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Van Rensburg Lab
  • Lucy Keniger

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Fuller Lab Group
  • Gareth Kindler

    MPhil student
    School of the Environment
    Green Fire Science Lab
  • Tanvi Krishnani

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Kark Group
  • Indigo Kuss-Patterson

    Honours student
    School of the Environment
    Dwyer Plant Ecology Lab
  • Valerie Shu Yi Kwan

    PhD candidate
    School of the Environment
    Lovelock Mangrove and Blue Carbon Lab
  • Nga-Yee Lai

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Amano Lab
  • Davis Lau

    Master of Conservation Biology student
    School of the Environment
  • Katie Lee

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    McDonald-Madden Lab
  • Chuan Lei

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Riginos Lab
  • Morane Le Nohaic

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Marine Spatial Ecology Lab
  • Grace Leung

    PhD Student
    School of the Environment
    Mayfield Lab
  • Jiaqi Li

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Smith Lab
  • Zoe Lieb

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Ecological Cascades Lab
  • Angela Liu

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Dunn Applied Marine Biogeography Lab
  • Xiaojuan Liu

    Visiting PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Fuller Lab Group
  • Tom Lloyd

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Sonter Lab and Fuller Lab
  • Chris MacColl

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Green Fire Science Lab
  • Natalya Maitz

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Fisher Lab
  • Ruby Martin

    Masters of Conservation Biology student
    School of the Environment
  • Gloeta Massie

    PhD student
    School of Veterinary Science, School of the Environment, School of Social Science
    Fuller Lab
  • Eleanor McCall

    Master of Environmental Management student
    School of the Environment
    Smith Lab group
  • Jemma McCrossin

    Honours student
    School of the Environment
    Wenger Lab
  • Mercedes McLean

    School of the Environment
    PhD student
    Applied Marine Biogeogaphy Lab
  • Emily McLeod

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Dean Lab
  • Karishma Menon

    Honours student
    School of the Environment
    Smith Lab
  • Zoe Meziere

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Riginos Lab
  • Jonathan Mills-Anderson

    Master of Conservation Science student
    School of the Environment
  • Jeremy Morales

    Masters of Environmental Management student
    School of the Environment
  • Sandra Neubert

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Richardson Mathematical Marine Ecology Lab
    Dunn Applied Marine Biogeography Lab
  • Junior Novera

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Kark Biodiversity Group
  • Ilyas Nursamsi

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Sonter Lab
    Ecological Cascades Lab
  • Justine Ohlrich

    PhD student
    School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
    Smith Lab Group
  • Sofia Palmer

    Honours student
    School of the Environment
  • Isabella Pires de Arruda Campos

    Master of Animal Science student
    School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
    Reside Wildlife Conservation Lab; Smith Lab
  • Christopher Pocknee

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Fisher Lab
  • Anisha Pokharel

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Kark Group
  • David Poulton

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Maron Lab
  • Aditya Pramudya

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Kark Group
  • Johannes Prozesky

    Masters student
    School of the Environment
    Reside Lab
  • Ji Qi

    Masters of Environmental Management student
    School of the Environment
  • Anya Ratnayaka

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Fisher Lab
  • Maia Raymundo

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
  • Sai Meghna Reddy Gaddam

    Master of Environmental Management graduate
    School of the Environment
  • Jaime Restrepo

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Applied Marine Biogeography Lab
  • Miranda Rew-Duffy

    PhD student
    School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
    Maron Ecology and Conservation Policy Lab
  • Julián Reyes

    Master in Conservation Science student
    School of the Environment
    Fuller Lab Group
  • Justine Rice

    Honours student
    School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
    Reside Wildlife Conservation Lab
  • James Richardson

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Letten Lab
  • Gillian Rowan

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Remote Sensing Research Centre
  • Devin Rowell

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Marine Spatial Ecology Lab
  • Phebe Rowland

    Honours student
    School of the Environment
    Mangrove and Blue Carbon Lab
  • Caitlin Rutherford

    Master of Conservation Science student
    School of the Environment
  • Chris Sanderson

    PhD Student
    School of the Environment
    Possingham Lab
  • Teagan Schermer

    Honours student, Bachelor of Environmental Science
    School of the Environment
  • Xu Shi

    PhD candidate
    School of the Environment
    Fuller Lab
  • Anna Scott

    Honours student
    School of the Environment
    Bachelor of Environmental Management (Hons)
  • Nicola Sockhill

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Fuller Lab
  • David Soulema

    Master of Environmental Management
    School of Environment
  • Ella Speedie

    Honours student, Bachelor of Advanced Science
    School of the Environment
    Smith Lab
  • Phoebe Stewart-Sinclair

    PhD Student
    School of the Environment
    Klein Lab
  • Hannah Thomas

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Maron Lab
  • Emilee Thomson

    Honours student
    School of the Environment
    Reside Lab
  • Tim Temizyurek

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Hart Lab
  • Isaac Towers

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Dwyer Lab
  • James Tweed

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Kark Group
  • Ama Wakwella

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Ocean Conservation Lab
  • Yolanda Waters

    PhD student
    School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
    Dean Lab Group
  • Alex Watkins

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Rhodes Lab
  • Haonan Wei

    Honours student
    School of the Environment
    Amano Lab
  • Jaimee Wheelhouse

    PhD student
    School of the Environment; School of Veterinary Science
    Ecological Cascades Lab
  • Joshua Wilson

    PhD student
    School of the Environment
    Fuller Lab
  • Samantha Wong-Topp

    MPhil student
    School of the Environment
    Fuller Lab
    Institute for Social Science Research
  • Poppy Wyndham

    Honours student
    School of the Environment
  • Fei Yang

    Master of Environmental Management student
    School of the Environment
    Research Assistant
    Wenger Lab
  • Kelsie Youman

    Honours student
    School of the Environment
    Kark Biodiversity Group
  • Natasha Zaletel Kamruddin

    Masters of Conservation Biology student
    School of the Environment
  • Joan Zwar

    Master of Conservation Science student
    School of the Environment and Hidden Vale

Past Students

  • Nur Arafeh-Dalmau

    PhD Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Klein Group
  • Emma Arnett

    Masters of Environmental Management student
    Klein-Biggs-Possingham Lab
    School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
  • Dr Ingrid Baker

    PhD student
    School of Earth and Environmental Science
  • Tallis Baker

    Honours student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Mangrove and Blue Carbon Lab
  • Jez Bird

    PhD Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Fuller Lab Group
  • Dr Aleksander Braczkowski

    PhD Candidate
    School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
  • Sugeng Budiharta

    PhD Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Wilson Conservation Ecology Lab
  • Hernán Cáceres Escobar

    PhD Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Kark Biodiversity Group
    Possingham Lab
  • Debbie Chamberlain

    PhD Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Remote Sensing Research Centre
    Possingham Lab
  • Lachlan Charles

    PhD Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Fuller Lab Group
  • Dr Hubert Cheung

    Dr Hubert Cheung

    PhD Student
    School of Biological Science
    Possingham Lab
  • Shawan Chowdhury

    PhD Student
    School of Biological Sciences
  • Rob Clemens

    PhD Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Fuller Lab Group
  • Colleen Corrigan

    PhD Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Possingham Lab
  • Brodie Crouch

    Honours student
    School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
  • Bridey Crowe

    Master of Conservation Science student
    School of Biological Sciences/School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
  • Madeline Davey

    PhD Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Klein Group
  • Robyn Davies

    Honours student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Lovelock Mangrove and Blue Carbon Lab
  • Brendan Dillon

    PhD Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Possingham Lab
  • Lara Franco

    PhD Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Fuller Lab Group
  • Natalie Freeman

    PhD student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Wilson Performance Lab
    Fisher Lab Group
  • Rachel Friedman

    PhD Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Wilson Conservation Ecology Lab
  • Dr Graham Fulton

    Honorary Research Fellow
    School of Environment
    Possingham Lab
  • Dr Eduardo Gallo-Cajiao

    PhD Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Fuller Lab Group
    Kark Biodiversity Group
  • Jasmine Hall

    Research Assistant
    Griffith University
    Australian Rivers Institute, Coastal and Marine Research Centre
  • Jeff Hanson

    PhD Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Fuller Lab Group
  • Narelle Hill

    Honours student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Fuller lab Group
  • Georgina Hockings

    Honours Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Kark Biodiversity Group
  • Oakes Holland

    Masters Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Wilson Conservation Ecology Lab
  • Dr Melissa Houghton

    PhD student
    School of Biological Sciences
  • Lenn Isidore

    PhD student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Van Rensburg Lab
  • Acacia Jennings

    Master of Conservation Biology graduate
    The School of the Environment
  • Stephen Kearney

    PhD Student
    School of Earth and Environmental Science
    Green Fire Science
    NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub
  • Tanvi Krishnani

    PhD Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Kark Biodiversity Group
  • Dr Christopher Lawson

    Postdoctoral Research Fellow
    School of the Environment
    Marine Spatial Ecology Lab
  • Emma Lee

    Honours Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Kark Biodiversity Group
  • Jasmine Lee

    PhD Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Fuller Lab Group
    Possingham Lab
  • Dr Nick Leseberg

    Postdoctoral Research Fellow
    School of the Environment
    Green Fire Science
    Research and Recovery of Endangered Species (RARES)
  • Da-Li Lin

    PhD student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Fuller Lab Group
  • Hsien-Yung Lin

    PhD Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Fuller Lab Group
    Possingham Lab
  • Gabriel Liu

    Honours student
    School of Earth and Environmental Science
    Ocean Conservation Lab
  • Claire Lorette

    Masters of Environmental Management student
    School of Earth and Environmental Science
    Maron Ecology and Conservation Policy Lab
  • Dr Deqiang Ma

    Graduated PhD student
    School of Earth and Environmental Science
    Maron Lab
  • Bonnie Mappin

    PhD Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Possingham Lab
  • Katrina Marchant

    School of Earth and Environmental Science
    Honours student
    Applied Marine Biogeogaphy Lab
  • Carly Martin

    Honours Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Kark Biodiversity Group
  • Dr Jennifer McGowan

    PhD Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Possingham Lab
  • Dr Matthew McKinney

    PhD Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Kark Biodiversity Group
  • Maria Jose Martinez Harms

    PhD Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Wilson Conservation Ecology Lab
  • Fleur Maseyk

    PhD Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Possingham Lab
  • Dr Courtney Melton

    Ecological Researcher
    Bush Heritage Australia
    Maron Ecology and Conservation Policy Lab
    Wildlife Conservation Lab
  • Courtney Morgans

    PhD Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Wilson Conservation Ecology Lab
  • Divya Narain

    PhD student
    School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
    Maron Lab
  • Alana O'Dwyer

    Master of Conservation Science student
    School of Biological Sciences
  • Dr Rachel Oh

    Graduated PhD student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Fuller Lab Group
  • Kira Platt-Behrens

    Bachelor of Environmental Science (Honours) student
    School of Earth and Environmental Science
    Fuller Lab Group
  • Tomás J. Poch Velasco

    Master of Conservation Science student
    School of Biological Sciences
  • Samantha Richardson

    Honours Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Kark Biodiversity Group
  • Dr Leslie Roberson

    Postdoctoral Research Fellow
    School of the Environment
    Ocean Conservation Lab
  • Dr Andrew Rogers

    Postdoctoral Research Fellow
    School of the Environment
    Kark Biodiversity Group
  • Dr Rebecca Runting

    Postdoctoral Research Fellow
    School of Biological Sciences
    Possingham Lab
  • Dr Nicki Shumway

    Research Fellow
    Centre for Policy Futures
    School of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Blake Alexander Simmons

    PhD Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Wilson Conservation Ecology Lab
  • Scott Spillias

    PhD student
    School of Earth and Environmental Science
    McDonald-Madden Lab
  • Patrick Sykes

    School of Mathematics and Physics
    PhD student
    Mathematical Marine Ecology Lab
  • Anazelia Tedesco

    PhD Student
    School of Earth and Environmental Science
    Possingham Lab, Rhodes Lab
  • Dr Daniella Teixeira

    PhD Student
    School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
  • Nguyen Hao Tran

    Honours student
    School of Earth and Environmental Science
    Maron Ecology and Conservation Policy Lab
  • Konrad Uebel

    PhD Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Wilson Conservation Ecology Lab
  • Tia Vella

    School of Earth and Environmental Science
    Honours student
    Klein-Biggs-Possingham Lab
  • Dr Jaramar Villarreal Rosas

    Research Fellow
    Australian Rivers Institute
    Griffith University
  • Dr Michelle Ward

    Honorary Research Fellow
    School of the Environment
    Rhodes Lab
  • Rosalie Willacy

    PhD student
    School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
    Complex Environmental Decisions Lab (McDonald-Madden Lab)
    NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub
  • Dr Brooke Williams

    Postdoctoral Research Fellow
    School of the Environment
    Sustainable Landscapes Group
  • Steve Wilson

    PhD Student
    School of Biological Sciences
    Kark Biodiversity Group
  • Dr Hui Xiao

    PhD student
    School of Earth and Environmental Science
    McDonald-Madden Lab