Rani Davis

Researcher biography
Rani is a PhD candidate in the Reside Wildlife Conservation Lab at The University of Queensland, School of the Environment. She completed her undergraduate education at The University of Queensland, completing a Bachelor of Science majoring in Zoology and Ecology in 2021 and an Honours project in 2023 (Hons I).
Rani’s Honours research investigated how artificial lights impacted the activity of insectivorous bats in Brisbane. Rani’s Honours research quantified the distance of impact of artificial light sources for two Australian insectivorous bat species. This work aimed to inform the placement of lights around important habitat for insectivorous bats to minimise harm on light-sensitive species.
Rani is conducting a PhD on insectivorous bats in agricultural production systems. She will investigate the role that insectivorous bats play in the control of agricultural pests. Her PhD will also explore opportunities to increase bat abundance and diversity in farming systems to harness bat pest control services whilst promoting bat conservation.