Researcher biography
I am currently completing my Honours with my principal supervisor Associate Professor Diana Fisher.
My project aims to understand the threats to a small population of Endangered northern bettongs in the Mt Carbine Tablelands, far north Queensland, and what major threats can be attributed to the ongoing decline of this species and how best to manage them.
I'm also working full-time as a Field Ecologist for Australian Wildlife Conservancy based in Cairns, where I have been involved in the reintroduction of the northern bettong to Mount Zero-Taravale Sanctuary, inside the first feral predator-free exclosure in northern Australia. I'm involved in ecological research across multiple properties and species including northern quolls at Brooklyn Wildlife Sanctuary, northern bettongs at Mt Spurgeon National Park and the Lamb Range, arid zone birds at Bowra Wildlife Sanctuary, northern hairy-nosed wombats at Richard Underwood Nature Refuge, koala habitat restoration at Curramore Wildlife Sanctuary and various other biodiversity surveys across a network of conservation properties managed by Australian Wildlife Conservancy.