Tanvi Krishnani

Researcher biography
I completed my Bachelor of Science in Zoology in India in 2014, after which I worked with an NGO regarding the implementation of the Forest Rights Act in a village situated within a Wildlife Sanctuary in India. I am currently pursuing my Masters of Conservation Biology from The University of Queensland. I intend to work on understanding perceptions of people towards Asian elephants in India for my Masters project under the supervision of Associate Professor Salit Kark. My primary interest lies in looking at ways to mitigate human–elephant conflict in India. Elephants are very close to my heart, and due to the ever-increasing demand for agriculture causing habitat fragmentation, farmers and elephants have been experiencing unwanted interactions leading to crop damage, injuries and sometimes even death. This is something which is going to keep on increasing; finding ways to avoid or reduce this conflict is necessary and urgent. This project will help in understanding the main factors causing the difference in perceptions in various parts of the country, which then can be used accordingly for the site-specific application of mitigation methods in order to reduce the incidence of unwanted human-elephant interactions.