Rosalie Willacy

Researcher biography
Rosalie investigates monitoring and management methods to support decision-making for invasive species on Christmas Island. Her work aims to establish baseline data and assess monitoring methods for black rat (Rattus rattus) populations and their impacts on native birds, to anticipate potential changes that may occur as a result of removing feral cats. Rosie started her PhD in late 2016 working with Associate Professor Eve McDonald- Madden, Professor Sarah Legge and Parks Australia.
With her experience in invasive species research, Rosie recently consulted for the Lord Howe Island Rodent Eradication Program as a team leader and scientific advisor. She supported the ground baiting and monitoring operations and gave technical advice for post-knockdown detection and rapid response mop up operations. She also assisted in designing decision-making framework for post-eradication incursion responses.
Prior to commencing her PhD, Rosie worked for the Department of Conservation, New Zealand as a field research technician delivering outcomes for research programs under the Landscape Scale Predator Control Research Plan. This included before–after control impact monitoring for invasive species management and native birds in a variety of ecosystem types across the South Island.
Before diving into invasive species research, Rosie studied threatened high elevation frog species in northern New South Wales for her undergraduate and Honours at Southern Cross University. Here, she established baseline data and monitoring methods to support conservation decision making in the face of climate change.