Dr Andrés Felipe Suárez Castro

Researcher biography
I am an ecologist interested in using the knowledge on ecological functioning in conservation and environmental management planning. I received my PhD at The University of Queensland (Australia) and I hold a master’s degree in conservation and wildlife management from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. During my research, I have used different biological models to explore diverse research interests such as what drives species distribution patterns, the effect of landscape change on biodiversity and ecosystem services, and the science-policy interface for ecosystem services and biodiversity to inform landscape planning. I have strong statistical and quantitative skills in spatial modelling, and a strong background in ecology, conservation science, natural resource management, ecosystem services and geographical information systems. I also have extensive fieldwork experience in multiple ecosystem types in Colombia and Australia. Currently, my research focuses on evaluating how to integrate ecological knowledge across multiple spatial scales to maximise biodiversity in human-dominated landscapes.
Ph: +61 04 44 532 654
Twitter: http://twitter.com/fsuarezca