Phebe Rowland

Researcher biography
I completed my Bachelor of Science (extended major in Marine Biology) in 2020. Throughout my degree, I assisted with research projects relating to coral reefs, seagrass beds, mangrove forests, wild dugong populations, fish behaviour and blue carbon restoration. I was also part of the science team for the Flinders Reef Ecological Assessment (FREA) project with Unidive. I am an active volunteer and ambassador for both CoralWatch and the Organisation for the Research and Rescue of Cetaceans in Australia (ORRCA). Although my research and personal interests are broad, my Honours year has seen me focus on one critical issue, climate change.
I am especially interested in the role of coastal wetland restoration and blue carbon in climate change mitigation. I am currently working with Professor Catherine Lovelock and Dr Valerie Hagger to investigate the potential for blue carbon restoration projects in the degraded agricultural fields of coastal Queensland.