Robyn Davies

Researcher biography
My passion for both terrestrial and marine ecosystems has led me to research coastal wetlands because they harbour unique ecosystems with both terrestrial and marine elements. I am concerned about the threats they face from development and climate change therefore I am interested in applied science for enabling better conservation of coastal ecosystems. I am currently studying rates of blue carbon sequestration and biodiversity co-benefits in restored mangroves in south-east Queensland under the supervision of Professor Catherine Lovelock and Dr Valerie Hagger. My research will assist land managers in making decisions that conserve and restore more coastal ecosystems by quantifying the benefits of restoring coastal wetlands locally.
I am currently completing the Honours year in my Bachelor of Advanced Science degree, majoring in Marine Biology. During my degree I have also conducted research into marine invertebrate development and community forestry in mangrove forests globally. I have assisted with research into the diet of northern quolls, and the recovery of threatened flora following bushfires in South Australia.