Researcher biography
I am a wildlife biologist from Nepal and completed my Master’s degree in Biological Sciences at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA. My Master’s thesis was based on prey selection by birds of prey in North America including sharp-shinned hawks, Cooper’s hawks and barn owls. I have had the opportunity to work in a wide range of projects including human–wildlife conflicts in Nepal, behavioural research on vultures, raptor migration in North America and Thailand, and many more. My research interest integrates conservation biology, behavioural ecology and human dimensions. I am now studying a joint PhD with IIT Delhi (with Dr Ajay Saini), India and The University of Queensland (with Professor Salit Kark) that is focused on cross-boundary collaboration in large mammal conservation in the Himalayas. I am very passionate about raising awareness among local communities towards wildlife conservation. In addition, I love traveling, bird watching, photography and writing on my blog. I have also written a children's book about vultures in Nepal that can be downloaded here.