Jasmine Hall

Researcher biography
Jasmine is an Alumna of the Master of Conservation Biology program (graduated July 2023). She currently works as a wetland ecology research assistant at the Australian Rivers Institute, Griffith University in Dr María Fernanda Adame’s Lab. Jasmine assists researchers and HDRs in determining the role of coastal and freshwater wetlands in carbon sequestration and pollutant removal. She works directly in the field and lab to assess carbon and nitrogen, contributing to mitigation strategies and how they can drive conservation and restoration of wetlands. Jasmine is part of the Griffith-led Australian Research Council Linkage Project for the Shoreline Mangrove Offset Project with Lendlease in Southern Redland Bay to monitor the construction of a ‘new’ 10 ha mangrove and saltmarsh system to receive recycled water inflows. Jasmine also works on projects involving cross-institutional collaboration with Dr Catherine Lovelock, Dr Valerie Hagger and Alex Pearse from The University of Queensland (UQ) Blue Carbon Lab. These include the Blue Heart Project in the Maroochy River, Sunshine Coast and the National Environmental Science Program research project on carbon abatements and biodiversity from controlling feral ungulates in wetlands in Kakadu National Park, NT. Jasmine is particularly interested in coastal and marine conservation involving Indigenous ways of knowing, community-based conservation, environmental advocacy, and science communication.
During her time at UQ, Jasmine worked as a research assistant with Dr Vicki Martin in mapping social values in Moreton Bay to inform marine spatial planning, volunteered with the UniDive citizen science Mooloolaba Ecological Assessment and Mapping (MEAM) project, Berndt Van Rensburg’s Aura development bio-acoustic project, and native tadpole endocrinology in the Franklin Eco-Laboratory with Argelia Rodriguez.
Jasmine grew up offshore on Scotland Island in New South Wales. She developed a strong connection with nature through multi-day hiking around Australia, and a deep affinity to the ocean through becoming a Rescue Scuba Diver and Advanced Freediver. Jasmine graduated in 2019 with her Bachelors in Animal Science from Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga before moving to Brisbane in June 2021 to commence her Masters.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasmine-hall29/