Dr Truly Santika

Researcher biography
I obtained a PhD degree from the Australian National University in December 2010. The thesis looks at the performance of various habitat modeling methods using simulated data and how the nature of species distribution data and methodological factors affect the performance of habitat models (relevant papers: santika2009effect, santika2011prevalence). I was a postdoctoral researcher at The University of Queensland in 2011–2012, working on assessing climate and land-use change impacts on the distributions of the koalas in and spatio-temporal priorities for the recovery of the species (relevant papers: santika2014modellling).
I am currently working on assessing Protected Area effectiveness in Kalimantan and modelling metapopulation dynamics of the orangutan populations in Sabah, Malaysia, funded by the Australian Centre of Excellence in Environmental Decisions, as part of the Borneo Futuresinitiative. Key collaborators for this projects include Dr Kerrie Wilson (The University of Queensland), Dr Erik Meijaard (People and Nature Consulting International), Dr Marc Ancrenaz (HUTAN – Kinabatangan Orangutan Conservation Project), and Dr Stephanie Spehar(University of Wisconsin).