Jeremy Morales

Researcher biography
Jeremy Morales is a Master of Environmental Management student at The University of Queensland with a concentration on marine and coastal environments. During his undergraduate at Colorado State University, he worked for the Colorado Forest Restoration Institute where he studied fuels and regeneration as a part of Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Programs (CFLRP). Upon graduation he worked for the United States Forest Service as a Forestry tech carrying out multiple silvicultural prescriptions in Pagosa Springs, Colorado, USA.
He is also a veteran of the United States Coast Guard, where he served as a Boatswains Mate and piloted multiple marine crafts. He conducted missions that included maritime law enforcement, drug interdiction, fisheries enforcement, and search and rescue. He won a prestigious award from the American Australian Association that helps veterans from the US and Australia pursue higher education. He hopes to bring together his passion for natural resources and professional marine experience to help further Australia’s goals for conservation, restoration and protection of biodiversity.