Researcher biography

Loren is a community wildlife ecologist who uses ethology, habitat assessment, and conservation biology and physiology practices to understand the dynamics of ecosystems in disturbed environments. Her research focuses on multidimensional human activity and predator to prey relationships to understand pressures and responses. She uses progressive and minimally invasive methods to observe human activities, the associated introduced and novel species, habitat structure, and community ecology in relation to the functional behaviour and fear and stress responses of extant wildlife. She aims to aid wildlife conservation in disturbed habitats through understanding pressure responses, landscapes of fear and stress impacts, and ecologically based management opportunities.

Loren’s research has included investigating predator- and competitor-based alternatives to rodent management; small mammal persistence in patchy urban environments considering human disturbances and introduced predators; and impacts of habitat disturbances on green and golden bell frog persistence. She has also contributed to conservation research on dingoes, freshwater crocodiles, small desert mammals and reptiles, and coral reef conservation.