Dr Mitchell Lyons

Researcher biography
I am a postdoc in the Remote Sensing Research Centre in the School of the Environment, and my research can be described as a mixture of ecology, geography and statistics. I finished my PhD in 2013, at The University of Queensland, which focused on developing new remote sensing methods for long term monitoring and change detection in terrestrial and marine ecosystems. After this I focused on automated monitoring of seagrass environments using remote sensing and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). I then moved to the UNSW and shifted focus to application of modern statistical and modelling approaches for large scale vegetation classification and mapping problems, with a side interest in drone-acquired image data. I also teach some remote sensing, as well as programming and statistics in various short courses and workshops (http://environmentalcomputing.net/).
My focus now at UQ is working on remote sensing and modelling applications for mapping coastal and marine environments like seagrass and coral reefs. The projects I work on range from local scale applications (like Quandamooka, Queensland) through to regional (Great Barrier Reef, tropical northern Australia) and global scale (e.g., Allen Coral Atlas). My primary activities include developing cloud-based classification and mapping algorithms and accuracy assessment.
Technically speaking, my expertise lies in remote sensing and ecological modelling (statistics and machine learning), and I generally take a computational programming (R and Python specifically, and JavaScript on the Google Earth Engine) approach. Non-technically speaking, a family with two young kids and a small farm (I live down on Ngarigo country) take up most of my time, and if there's any left over, I love getting into the river or the ocean.