Dr Andrew Rogers

Researcher biography
My primary research interests include species’ use of highly transformed habitats, conservation management in human-dominated landscapes. I am particularly interested in community assembly and the impact of invasive species on ecosystem function. Recent work has included quantifying novel ecosystem support of native species, invasive species distribution mapping, and resource use by native species in human-modified habitats.
My current research explores the patterns and processes impacting threatened species on Australia’s island systems which will assist in identifying conservation opportunities for island species. This work is part of NESP project 4.2 Saving species on Australian Islands: http://www.nespthreatenedspecies.edu.au/projects/saving-species-on-australian-islands
I have a BSc from the University of California Riverside, working with the Center for Conservation Biology group. I obtained my MSc from Stellenbosh University, working with the Center for Invasion Biology. My PhD is from The University of Queensland where I was working within the Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science, and the Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions.