Dr Moreno Di Marco

Researcher biography
Since 2009, I have performed research in universities and NGOs in Italy, the UK and Australia. I completed a PhD in Ecological Sciences at The University Sapienza of Rome, and I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at The University of Queensland. My research interests span the realms of Conservation Biology and Macroecology. I am interested in the identification of global- and local-scale conservation priorities, using systematic conservation planning techniques and with a focus on international biodiversity targets. I am also interested in global conservation policy and the reciprocal feedback between conservation policy and conservation science. In addition, I am interested in the investigation of biogeographical and macroecological patterns at a global and regional scale, and how these are distorted by human activities. I am generally interested in investigating the effects of human pressure on multiple levels of biodiversity organisation, from the prediction of species extinction risk to the prediction of functional changes in animal communities. Terrestrial mammals represent my preferred study group, also due to my background on large carnivores, but I have broader experience with research projects on terrestrial vertebrates.