Eve is a world leader in environmental decision science. She is a recipient of the L’Oréal for Women in Science Award, three ARC Fellowships, a UQ Foundations for Research Excellence Award, a Women in Technology Rising Star award and was a recent finalist in the Eureka Prizes. Using novel techniques from fields such as manufacturing sciences, artificial intelligence research and economics, her lab hopes to improve decision-making in the face of social and ecological complexity that is inherent, but often ignored, in environmental problems. She has two young boys, one who is obsessed with Lego and one who is constantly jumping on the trampoline. View Eve's webpage.

Researcher biography


PhD – The University of Queensland
Diploma in The Sciences (Mathematics and Statistics) – University of New England
Bachelor of Science (Hons) – The University of Melbourne   

Professional Associations

The Society for Conservation Biology
Visiting Scientist – CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences


I am an ARC Research Fellow working on environmental decision-making in complex systems. I have a background in environmental management, decision science and applied mathematics. My research has focused on the application of novel techniques from artificial intelligence and operations research to conservation decision-making including climate adaptation and ecosystem management.