Researcher biography

Hubert has a passion for the mammals of the African savanna, and is particularly interested in the way modern society interacts with the natural environment. Growing up in the bustling metropolis of Hong Kong, he became very aware of anthropogenic impacts on the natural environment. His doctoral research focuses on the demand for rhinocerus horn in China for use in traditional Chinese medicine, with the aim to better inform conservation decision-making. Rhinocerus poaching has increased dramatically over the past decade and poses a serious threat to these species, making it imperative to gain an understanding of the factors driving demand in Asia. His PhD is being conducted under the supervision of Hugh Possingham, Lorraine Mazerolle and Duan Biggs.

Prior to his doctoral studies, Hubert worked at the World Green Organisation, an environmental NGO in Hong Kong, where he oversaw the operational aspects of a business engagement program that promotes corporate sustainability. He completed a master’s degree in ecological consultancy at Newcastle University in England, where he investigated the minimum critical specifications for species conservation planning. During his undergraduate studies in zoology at the University of Guelph, Hubert conducted a cost-benefit analysis of tourism in Kenya’s protected areas.

Animals and conservation aside, Hubert has a great love of soccer.

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