Researcher biography
Tracy is a Senior Research Fellow in the Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science and the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences. She applies methods from decision science to analyse and solve conservation management problems.
Tracy is currently running a project for the National Environmental Science Program Threatened Species Recovery Hub creating and applying the PACES decision tool, a tool for assessing whether ex-situ management will benefit a threatened species.
She is also a co-ordinator, lecturer and demonstrator for a masters-level course in structured decision-making for environmental management.
Book Chapters
Runge, Michael C., Rout, Tracy M., Spring, Daniel A. and Walshe, Terry (2017). Value of information analysis as a decision support tool for biosecurity. Invasive species: risk Assessment and management. (pp. 308-333) edited by Andrew P. Robinson, Terry Walshe, Mark A. Burgman and Mike Nunn. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781139019606.016
Rout, Tracy M. (2017). Declaring eradication of an invasive species. Invasive Species: Risk Assessment and Management. (pp. 334-347) edited by Andrew P. Robinson, Terry Walshe, Mark A. Burgman and Mike Nunn. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781139019606.017
Hauser, Cindy E. and Rout, Tracy M. (2017). Optimising resource allocation. Invasive species: risk assessment and management. (pp. 294-307) edited by Andrew P. Robinson, Terry Walshe, Mark A. Burgman and Mike Nunn. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781139019606.015
Journal Articles
Bruce, Tom, Amir, Zachary, Allen, Benjamin L., Alting, Brendan F., Amos, Matt, Augusteyn, John, Ballard, Guy-Anthony, Behrendorff, Linda M., Bell, Kristian, Bengsen, Andrew J., Bennett, Ami, Benshemesh, Joe S., Bentley, Joss, Blackmore, Caroline J., Boscarino-Gaetano, Remo, Bourke, Lachlan A., Brewster, Rob, Brook, Barry W., Broughton, Colin, Buettel, Jessie C., Carter, Andrew, Chiu-Werner, Antje, Claridge, Andrew W., Comer, Sarah, Comte, Sebastien, Connolly, Rod M., Cowan, Mitchell A., Cross, Sophie L., Cunningham, Calum X. ... Luskin, Matthew S. (2025). Large-scale and long-term wildlife research and monitoring using camera traps: a continental synthesis. Biological Reviews, 100 (2), 530-555. doi: 10.1111/brv.13152
Bruce, Tom, Amir, Zachary, Allen, Benjamin L, Alting, Brendan F., Amos, Matt, Augusteyn, John, Ballard, Guy‐Anthony, Behrendorff, Linda M., Bell, Kristian, Bengsen, Andrew J., Bennett, Ami, Benshemesh, Joe S., Bentley, Joss, Blackmore, Caroline J., Boscarino‐Gaetano, Remo, Bourke, Lachlan A., Brewster, Rob, Brook, Barry W., Broughton, Colin, Buettel, Jessie C., Carter, Andrew, Chiu‐Werner, Antje, Claridge, Andrew W., Comer, Sarah, Comte, Sebastien, Connolly, Rod M., Cowan, Mitchell A., Cross, Sophie L., Cunningham, Calum X. ... Luskin, Matthew S. (2025). Large‐scale and long‐term wildlife research and monitoring using camera traps: a continental synthesis. Biological Reviews, 100 (2), 530-555. doi: 10.1111/brv.13152
Ward, Michelle, Rout, Tracy M., Possingham, Hugh P., Stewart, Romola, McDonald-Madden, Eve, Clark, Thomas G., Kindler, Gareth S., Valentine, Leonie E., Macmillan, Ellen, Maitz, Natalya, Haskin, Elouise and Watson, James E. M. (2024). A report card to effectively communicate threatened species recovery. One Earth, 7 (2), 186-198. doi: 10.1016/j.oneear.2023.12.009
Rout, Tracy M., Jackson, Stephen M., Adam, Dalene, Diggins, Jacqui, McDonald‐Madden, Eve, Mitchell, Nicola J. and Walshe, Terry V. (2023). Decision analysis for the planning and assessment of ex situ management: an application to the endangered mahogany glider. Austral Ecology, 48 (4), 803-821. doi: 10.1111/aec.13310
Rout, Tracy M., Hauser, Cindy E., McCarthy, Michael A. and Moore, Joslin L. (2017). Adaptive management improves decisions about where to search for invasive species. Biological Conservation, 212, 249-255. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2017.04.009
Rout, Tracy M., Baker, Christopher M., Huxtable, Steward and Wintle, Brendan A. (2017). Monitoring, imperfect detection, and risk optimization of a Tasmanian devil insurance population. Conservation Biology, 32 (2), 267-275. doi: 10.1111/cobi.12975
Chadès, Iadine, Nicol, Sam, Rout, Tracy M., Péron, Martin, Yann, Dujardin, Pichancourt, Jean-Baptiste, Hastings, Alan and Hauser, Cindy E. (2017). Optimization methods to solve adaptive management problems. Theoretical Ecology, 10 (1), 1-20. doi: 10.1007/s12080-016-0313-0
Boakes, Elizabeth H., Rout, Tracy M. and Collen, Ben (2015). Inferring species extinction: The use of sighting records. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6 (6), 678-687. doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.12365
McDonald, Jane A., Carwardine, Josie, Joseph, Liana N., Klein, Carissa J., Rout, Tracy M., Watson, James E. M., Garnett, Stephen T., McCarthy, Michael A. and Possingham, Hugh P. (2015). Improving policy efficiency and effectiveness to save more species: A case study of the megadiverse country Australia. Biological Conservation, 182, 102-108. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2014.11.030
Rout, Tracy M., Moore, Joslin L. and Mccarthy, Michael A. (2014). Prevent, search or destroy? a partially observable model for invasive species management. Journal of Applied Ecology, 51 (3), 804-813. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12234
Rout, T. M., Kirkwood, R., Sutherland, D. R., Murphy, S. and McCarthy, M. A. (2014). When to declare successful eradication of an invasive predator?. Animal Conservation, 17 (2), 125-132. doi: 10.1111/acv.12065
Rout, Tracy M., McDonald-Madden, Eve, Martin, Tara G., Mitchell, Nicola J., Possingham, Hugh P. and Armstrong, Doug P. (2013). How to decide whether to move species threatened by climate change. PloS One, 8 (10) e75814, e75814.1-e75814.7. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0075814
Moore, Joslin L., Rout, Tracy M., Hauser, Cindy E., Moro, Dorian, Jones, Menna, Wilcox, Chris and Possingham, Hugh P. (2013). Protecting islands from pest invasion: Response to Greenslade et al.. Biological Conservation, 157, 435-436. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2012.08.036
Rout, Tracy M. and Walshe, Terry (2013). Accounting for time preference in management decisions: an application to invasive species. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 20 (3-4), 197-211. doi: 10.1002/mcda.1490
Solow, Andrew , Smith, Woollcott, Burgman, Mark, Rout, Tracy, Wintle, Brendan and Roberts, David (2012). Uncertain sightings and the extinction of the Ivory-billed woodpecker. Conservation Biology, 26 (1), 180-184. doi: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2011.01743.x
Rout, Tracy M., Moore, Joslin L., Possingham, Hugh P. and McCarthy, Michael A. (2011). Allocating biosecurity resources between preventing, detecting, and eradicating island invasions. Ecological Economics, 71 (1), 54-62. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2011.09.009
Rout, TM, Heinze, D and McCarthy, MA (2010). Optimal allocation of conservation resources to species that may be extinct. Conservation Biology, 24 (4), 1111-1118. doi: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2010.01461.x
McDonald-Madden, E, Probert, WJM, Hauser, CE, Runge, MC, Possingham, HP, Jones, ME, Moore, JL, Rout, TM, Vesk, PA and Wintle, BA (2010). Active adaptive conservation of threatened species in the face of uncertainty. Ecological Applications, 20 (5), 1476-1489. doi: 10.1890/09-0647.1
Moore, JL, Rout, TM, Hauser, CE, Moro, D, Jones, M, Wilcox, C and Possingham, HP (2010). Protecting islands from pest invasion: optimal allocation of biosecurity resources between quarantine and surveillance. Biological Conservation, 143 (5), 1068-1078. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2010.01.019
Rout, Tracy M., Thompson, Colin J. and McCarthy, Michael A. (2009). Robust decisions for declaring eradication of invasive species. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46 (4), 782-786. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2009.01678.x
Bode, Michael, Hawkins, Clare, Rout, Tracy M. and Wintle, Brendan (2009). Efficiently locating conservation boundaries: searching for the Tasmanian devil facial tumour disease front. Biological Conservation, 142 (7), 1333-1339. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2009.01.029
Rout, Tracy M., Hauser, Cindy E. and Possingham, Hugh P. (2009). Optimal adaptive management for the translocation of a threatened species. Ecological Applications, 19 (2), 515-526. doi: 10.1890/07-1989.1
Rout, Tracy M., Salomon, Yacov and McCarthy, Michael A. (2009). Using sighting records to declare eradication of invasive species. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46 (1), 110-117. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2008.01586.x
Rout, Tracy M. (2009). Declaring eradication of invasive species: a review of methods for transparent decision-making. Plant Protection Quarterly, 24 (3), 92-94.
Firn , J., Rout, T., Possingham , H. and Buckley , Y.M. (2008). Managing beyond the invader: Manipulating disturbance of natives simplifies control efforts. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45 (4), 1143-1151. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2008.01510.x
Rout, T. M., Hauser, C. E. and Possingham, H. P. (2007). Minimise long-term loss or maximise short-term gain? Optimal translocation strategies for threatened species. Ecological Modelling, 201 (1), 67-74. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2006.07.022
Conference Papers
Firn, J., Rout, T., Possingham, H. and Buckley, Y. M. (2008). Optimising weed control by considering disturbance. Weed Management 2008. Hot Topics in the Tropics, Cairns, Australia, 18-22 May, 2008. Australia: Queensland Weeds Society.
Firn, Jennifer L., Rout, Tracy M., Possingham, Hugh P. and Buckley, Yvonne M. (2007). Target the cause and simplify the control: Integrating disturbance into weed management. Joint Meeting of the 92nd Ecological-Society-of-American/Society-for-Ecological-Restoration, San Jose, CA, USA, 5-10 August, 2007. Washington, D.C. U.S.A.: Ecological Society of America.
Rout, T., Hauser, C. E. and Possingham, H. (2005). Optimal Translocation Strategies for Threatened Species. International Congress on Modelling and Simulation MODSIM05, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 12-15 December 2005. Australia: Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia & NZealand.
Newspaper Article
Rout, T., Armstrong, D., McDonald-Madden, E., Possingham, H., Mitchell, N. and Martin, T. (2013, 10 17). Should we move species threatened by climate change? The Conversation