Researcher biography
Debra (MSc) is a Research Assistant at The University of Queensland, supervised by Dr Berndt Janse van Rensburg. Debra monitors threatened acid frog species on an urban development site, assessing the impact of competition from morphologically and acoustically similar species that co-occur across the site. The primary aim of her research is to inform management decisions; however, Debra is also working with a local school to integrate her research findings and data into the Year 6 curriculum through the use of innovative technology.
Book chapter
Stark, Debra, Turner, Andrew, van Rensburg, Berndt and Measey, John (in press) Population estimation of a cryptic moss frog using acoustic spatially explicit capture recapture. In Susan C. Walls and Katherine M. O’Donnell (Ed.), Strategies for Conservation Success in Herpetology. Herpetological Conservation Series, Vol. 4.
Gan, H., Zhang, J., Towsey, M., Truskinger, A., Stark, D., van Rensburg, B.J., Li, Y., and Roe, P. (in press) Recognition of Frog Chorusing with Acoustic Indices and Machine Learning. eScience.