Researcher biography
As Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Centre for Policy Futures at The University of Queensland I lead research, consulting and capacity-building projects with government and industry on sustainable development strategy.
• My work focuses on sustainable development strategy, urban development and design, Sustainable Development Goals, sustainable building design, decision-support tools, and addressing ‘wicked’ problems using systems and design thinking.
• My research is engagement-focused, interdisciplinary, applied, which builds the capacity of stakeholders.
In 2018–2019, I lead an interdisciplinary team to develop the Energy, Mining and Manufacturing Sector Adaptation Plan for the Queensland Government – part of the Queensland Climate Adaptation Strategy (Q‐CAS).
In late 2019, I began coordinating a research project on foresight for sustainable development with the Secretariat of Pacific Communities (SPC) – the principle science and innovation organisation in the Pacific. Drawing from interdisciplinary experts, the project will inform the development of SPC’s Strategic Plan and build capacity.
I am leading a Circular Economy project with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland’s ecoBiz business development program.
In collaboration with state and local governments I am developing a project on 'Sustainable Regional Communities' which will create a decision support toolkit to help local governments learn from and apply world best practice sustainable development.
I have presented my research at leading international forums including Resilience 2017, the International Conference on Sustainability Science, and the SDG Ideas and innovations in Stockholm.
I am also an author of the National Rail Station Design Guidelines, endorsed by all Australian state rail authorities.
My PhD thesis developed a decision-support tool – MetaMAP – which helps policy practitioners, researchers, educators and tertiary students to gain insight into sustainability challenges and designing well-integrated solutions.
In 2013 I co-founded Project Habitation – an award-winning sustainable design and consultancy practice with over 30 projects across subtropical coastal Australia.
As course coordinator and invited guest lecturer, I have taught sustainable development to postgraduate and undergraduate students.
My publications in academic, peer-reviewed journals develop an interdisciplinary approach to sustainable development strategy. See more here: https://researchers.uq.edu.au/researcher/23481