Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science

The Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science (CBCS) is a world-leading solution-oriented research centre for biodiversity conservation. The centre works in partnership with scientists, governments, non-governmental organisations, and industry to solve the most important conservation problems around the world.

Spreading the passion for coding: CBCS February R workshops

CBCS has just successfully hosted a series of workshops teaching participants valuable skills in using the R programming language. The February R workshops were held over five days (10-14 February) and saw over 130 participants of different experience levels from academia, government and industry. In this workshop series, the team focused on statistical modelling techniques and how they can be correctly applied in R, featuring topics such as linear modelling, mixed modelling, spatial modelling and multivariate statistics. 

Read more to see our takeaways from the event.

CBCS R Workshops teaching team.

​​​​​​Photo credit: Dr Christina N Zdenek


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Research news

Below we highlight several research projects and researcher profiles. More can be seen here.

General enquiries

Email: cbcs-info@uq.edu.au
Phone: Kate Donnelly +61 7 344 60879

International student enquiries

Phone (freecall from within Australia): 1800 671 980
Phone (from outside Australia): +61 3 8676 7004

UQ International
Level 2, JD Story building
UQ St Lucia campus
Brisbane, Queensland 4072 Australia

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UQ Masters Programs

Master of Conservation Biology - School of the Environment

The Master of Conservation Biology is an ideal program if you wish to expand your career prospects into a wide range of government, conservation and resource management agencies.

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Master of Environmental Management - School of the Environment

UQ's postgraduate programs in environmental management are multidisciplinary programs designed to enhance the skills and technical expertise of graduates working in all facets of the environmental arena.

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